1. stealing apple is a crime
2. police asks the store owner to allow 10 apples a day to be stolen without charge
3. store owner refused
4. police lets thiefs free to steal, until agreement.
is this your idea?
1. stealing apple is a crime
2. police asks the store owner to allow 10 apples a day to be stolen without charge
3. store owner refused
4. police lets thiefs free to steal, until agreement.
is this your idea?
• No, I would negotiate from 10 apples to 1 apple or you can -MoonlightBee- ♂ (347 bytes) () 10/06/2024 postreply 13:52:59
• "no" is the correct answer, unfortunately, dems says "yes" -odamae- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/06/2024 postreply 14:39:45
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