Kamala Harris’ Poisonous Word Salad

Kamala Harris’ Poisonous Word Salad

“I can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.” Vice President Kamala Harris

Americans are being subjected to one of the most blatant and obvious brainwashing campaigns in modern history. Utilizing the power of those social media platforms and mass media outlets, the American left is engaged in a true battle for the soul of America. It is a battle that is being fought by destroying the concept of absolute truth and replacing it with situational facts that can be changed to meet the immediate need.

The most obvious current example is the rehabilitation of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Harris is often mocked for one of her favorite sayings as being gibberish, “I can imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been.”

However, when deconstructed, this saying reflects two diametrically opposing philosophical constructs. 

The first, on a spiritual level, is a direct reflection on the fundamental element of Christianity — that salvation is offered through the blood of Christ, and your sins are washed away through repentance and acceptance of Jesus’ saving grace.  That is a description of a soul unburdened by sins committed.

However, Harris does not mean an eternal Christian perspective when she speaks about being unburdened by the past. Taken in a political/secular sense, this unburdening reflects a complete unmooring of America from our founding and history. It is a rejection of the DNA of America found in the Declaration of Independence, summarized by the immortal words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Harris’ imagined unburdening also undoes the Constitution, which is based upon a system of majority rule with minority rights along with a separation of powers.  The left is very fond of referring to our nation as a “democracy,” offending those of us who know it is a republic.

Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris will continue to pretend that “democracy” is facing an existential threat should President Donald Trump be re-elected. 

They both know that to have a system of majority rule absent protection for the minority or any semblance of individual rights is a toppling of our Constitutional government, yet they bleat their ‘democracy’ nonsense to an ignorant group of voters who get their information from Chinese controlled TikTok.

As we watch the attempts to unburden Kamala Harris from her past, we should not be surprised. After all, when the ends justify the means and the cause of saving “democracy” is righteous enough, anything can be excused.










