An Assassination Attempt Was Inevitable

An Assassination Attempt Was Inevitable

here are consequences to virtually every mainstream media, office-holding Democrat and left-wing academic labeling former President Donald Trump a Nazi, a fascist, a white supremacist and a mortal threat to American democracy. One consequence is that more than a few people will want Trump dead -- killed, if necessary; who would not want such an individual dead?

Here is a small number of incendiary comments:

-- The cover story in The New Republic, June 2024, is "American Fascism" -- featuring Trump drawn as Adolf Hitler:

"Today, we at The New Republic think we can spend this election year in one of two ways. We can spend it debating whether Trump meets the nine or 17 points that define fascism. Or we can spend it saying, 'He's damn close enough, and we'd better fight.'"

-- ABC News, Dec. 20, 2023, "Donald Trump's history with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi writings" by Jonathan Karl: "There have been multiple reports of Trump privately admiring Hitler."

-- Bloomberg, April 13, "Trump's Hitler Fascination Is an Ominous Echo of the 1930s" by Max Hastings.

-- The Associated Press, Dec. 27, 2023, "Trump says he didn't know his immigration rhetoric echoes Hitler. That's part of a broader pattern" by Jill Colvin.

-- USA Today, June 27, "Did Trump say Hitler 'did a lot of good things?'" by Maya Marchel Hoff.

-- The Washington Post, Dec. 20, 2023, "Yes, it's okay to compare Trump to Hitler. Don't let me stop you" by Mike Godwin: "When people draw parallels between Donald Trump's 2024 candidacy and Hitler's progression from fringe figure to Great Dictator, we aren't joking."

-- "Trump and Hitler: A Comparative Study in Lying" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024) by Henk de Berg, professor of German at the University of Sheffield.

-- Politico, Dec. 10, 2023: "Why Biden's campaign keeps linking Trump to Hitler":

