Only Election Deniers Reject the Results of the 2024 主黨初選

Only Election Deniers Reject the Results of the 2024 Democratic Primary

Democrats are taking a long, hard look in the mirror after President Joe Biden’s debate disaster. And what they are finding is that the “election denier” calls are coming from inside the house.

Less than four months ago, MSNBC host and chief Biden spokesperson Joe Scarborough took to the airwaves telling dozens of viewers “He’s cogent. But I undersold him when I said he was cogent. He’s far beyond cogent. In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been.” And making sure he was being heard, closed with, “Start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth, and F-you if you can’t handle the truth.”

Fast forward to the week before the debate with the White House putting the full court press on what they called “cheap fakes.” Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that videos of Biden exhibiting “Weekend at Bernie’s” behavior were false, “I’m saying that there have been — in recent weeks, there have been cheap fake videos that have been fact-check.  They’ve been fact-check — by conservative media as well — to say that these videos are false.  They’re purp- — purposefully being altered.”

From Scarborough to Jean-Pierre the message was clear: Joe Biden is fantastic, don’t believe your lying eyes.


After more than three years of self-righteous lectures from the left about the soul of democracy and faith in elections, many are now lining up to openly advocate reversing the results of their own primary election.  Joe Biden won every single primary election for his party and has amassed nearly 4,000 delegates. By every measure, voters in his party have selected Joe Biden to be their nominee for president in November. Now, elitist members of his own party openly discuss overturning all those results and replacing Biden. Talk about election deniers.

Their crocodile tears reveal what many knew all along: all the feigned outrage, all the investigations and all the TV talking heads screaming about democracy are willing to cast it all aside because they may lose political power. In other words, Joe Biden is exactly who we thought he was, and his duplicitous supporters are too.

Make no mistake: those who deny the results of the 2024 Democratic Primary are a threat to democracy.







