想加入NATO, 專家說沒門

Politico reports on a letter signed by over 60 foreign policy experts. It argues that "At NATO's summit, the alliance should not move Ukraine toward membership."

Concerns swirl about the NATO ‘bridge’ for Ukraine

Dozens of foreign policy experts are calling on NATO members to avoid advancing toward Ukrainian membership at the alliance’s upcoming summit, warning that it would endanger the U.S. and allies and rupture the coalition.

In a letter obtained by NatSec Daily, the group argues that if Ukraine is admitted, Russia attacking Ukraine in the future would trigger NATO’s Article 5, which calls on members to rush to a member’s defense if attacked. It’s a common assertion, but such a public stance from more than 60 analysts provides a sneak peek at the arguments likely to be levied at next week’s NATO Summit in Washington.

“The closer NATO comes to promising that Ukraine will join the alliance once the war ends, the greater the incentive for Russia to keep fighting the war,” the letter reads. “The challenges Russia poses can be managed without bringing Ukraine into NATO.”

Moving Ukraine toward membership could backfire, the letter continues, “turning Ukraine into the site of a prolonged showdown between the world’s two leading nuclear powers” and play into Russian leader VLADIMIR PUTIN’s narrative that it’s Moscow versus the West

