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另外, 所謂的陰謀論

“I think the big thing all of us should push for now is to remind people that the same media and the same Dem party who put senile Joe in office years ago are the same people who yes, stole the election. They had to as he was holed up. They chose him because he had name recognition and had been the Veep, but he was clearly senile even then.

In fact, on many sites today is something that I hope will be covered by Fox and others on Monday.

The site Marco Polo which has the emails from the Hunter laptop has reminded everyone of the 2019 emails exchanged between Hunter and his therapist in which Hunter discusses his father’s “dementia.”

Of course, Tucker speaks of it as well as having been known before Joe entered the fray.

The Dem Party took the vote away from all Dem voters in that campaign season. They simply told everyone else to drop out and let Clyburn do his thing.

I think we need to add they then put into play the BIG STeal USING THE FRAUDULENT BALLOTS DUMPED INTO THE MAIL.

Once they push out Joe and tell Dems who their nominee is, they will produce FRAUDULENT POLLS to make it look as if Trump is so hated that millions of voters are now planning to vote for the new nominee.

We should remind the world to expect fraudulent polls.

It makes it harder for them to pull off things if we predict their every move.

I’m wondering if there is a card that Jill Biden is brave enough to play.”
