Dr. Phil calls for the end of the political persecution

NEW: Dr. Phil calls for the end of the political persecution against Donald Trump, blasts Biden and tells him to “dismiss now.”

“I call on you to demand from your politicians today an end to this craziness in order to save the soul and sanity of our country.” “I don't like what I see happening in our country.”

“I don't like seeing the weaponization of our justice system agencies and powerful government actions that frankly just make my skin crawl for all of us and for my grandchildren.”

“And let's be honest, this is so not just about Trump. If you let your hatred for Donald Trump compromise your ability to find true north on your moral compass, shame on you.”

“The current administration could and should do the right thing. Dismiss now, even now, post-conviction of a political opponent, all such lawfare and pledge to return to the normal functioning of a government.”


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