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Michael S. Schmidt and 

Michael S. Schmidt, who reported from New York, and Tariq Panja, who reported from London and Lausanne, Switzerland, have both written extensively about doping in sports.

Twenty-three top Chinese swimmers tested positive for the same powerful banned substance seven months before the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 but were allowed to escape public scrutiny and continue to compete after top Chinese officials secretly cleared them of doping and the global authority charged with policing drugs in sports chose not to intervene.

Several of the athletes who tested positive — including nearly half of the swimming team that China sent to the Tokyo Games — went on to win medals, including three golds. Many still compete for China and several, including the two-time gold medalist Zhang Yufei, are expected to contend for medals again at this year’s Summer Games in Paris.


2021 年東京奧運會前 7 個月,23 名中國頂尖遊泳運動員的同一種強效違禁物質檢測呈陽性,但在中國高級官員秘密清除他們的興奮劑嫌疑以及負責監管的全球機構後,他們被允許逃避公眾監督並繼續參加比賽藥物在運動中選擇不幹預。

