Mike Pence 在2016年簽一個連保守和黨員都反對的極右墮胎法律, 之後民意一落千丈

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當年落選連任州長機率非常大。 他在成為川普副總統前, 美國國內沒有任何知名度。

現在至少還可以當個Never Trumper 上CNN, NBC去胡謅。


Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a law this year that mandated funerals for fetuses

It’s no secret that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Donald Trump’s running mate, opposes abortion rights. Pence basically invented the Republican Party's war on Planned Parenthood while he was in Congress. He wants Roe v. Wade to be overturned. He signed every anti-abortion bill that crossed his desk as governor of Indiana.

But Pence signed one anti-abortion bill in March of this year that was so extreme, even some pro-life Republicans opposed it. And it was eventually blocked from going into effect by a federal judge for violating women’s right to choose.

HPI Poll: Historic damage to Pence brand

Poll finds Pence re-election not a sure bet

2018 年

Indiana abortion law signed by Mike Pence ruled unconstitutional



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