Wall Street opposition to Trump collapses

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Wall Street opposition to Trump collapses, as ‘pipe dream’ of primary defeat ends



  • Many Wall Street executives have made a calculated decision not to speak out against Donald Trump, and in some cases, they will consider supporting the Republican former president.
  • “A lot of people on Wall Street have been living in this pipe dream of Trump not getting the nomination,” said one financial executive.
  • After Ron DeSantis came in a distant second to Trump in Iowa, several of the Florida governor’s fundraisers from the financial sector received calls from Trump allies.


After DeSantis came in a distant second to Trump in Iowa last week, several of DeSantis’ Wall Street backers received calls from Trump allies, including from the former president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., and Jets owner Woody Johnson, essentially recruiting them to Trump’s team, according to people familiar with the matter.

The outreach appears to have worked: Many of those financiers are seriously considering whether, or have already decided, to help raise money for Trump over Biden, these people said.

Others are sitting on the sidelines and refuse to fund anti-Trump efforts that would effectively support Biden, others said. An outside effort “will not work against Trump,” one of DeSantis’ Wall Street fundraisers said.


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敗主席現在唯一的希望就是趕緊把川主席關起來啦 -bustout- 給 bustout 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2024 postreply 09:15:28

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