Jack Smith's DC case against Trump is imploding

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Jack Smith's DC case against Trump is imploding--and with it, so too is the classified documents case.

SCOTUS denying cert today is just the latest blow--March 4 trial date is not doable. Oral arguments at DC appellate court set for Jan 9. Even if they return a quick opinion that upholds denial of presidential immunity from prosecution, Trump's team will file cert petition at SCOTUS. But term ends in June and time is running out.

This is in addition to SCOTUS granting cert in 1512c2 matter--which represents half of Smith's DC indictment against Trump. Those oral arguments could be held in March or April. Legal observers will get a sense of which direction the court will take during that proceeding.

If it appears a majority of the court disagrees with DOJ's application/interpretation of 1512c2, it's doom for Smith.

Now for classified docs case. Judge Cannon, skeptical of Smith's assurances the DC trial would not overlap with May 20 trial in FLA, set a status hearing for March 1. In addition, she also suspended all pretrial deadlines in a very litigious matter (strict rules related to defendants' access to classified evidence).

So what does Smith do now? His hands are tied until immunity issue is resolved. What does he tell Judge Cannon? Will he forsake a very risky case in DC and move to proceed first on classified docs trial? Cannon won't let him push that very far, either.

No good options for Smith--which is very good news




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