Explore more voices: Americans’ views of their elected officials
What do you see as the biggest problem with elected officials today?
“They bend to whomever can donate most to their campaign and don’t follow through on campaign promises.” –Man, 30s
“Lack of awareness and understanding of today’s political and social landscape. Old politicians with old money don’t understand the issues of today, leading to a huge disconnect with the public’s priorities and theirs.” –Woman, 20s
“Greed. Greed. Greed. Power leads to greed.” –Woman, 70s
“No accountability and they all think they are rockstars.” –Man, 30s
“They are focused on donor money and preventing the ‘other side’ from making advancements instead of governing in a way that helps all constituents.” –Woman, 40s
“Too much ego and not caring enough to listen to us.” –Woman, 50s
“Power hungry. Money hungry. Lazy. Liars.” –Man, 40s
“Many are self-serving, misdirected and too partisan. They have lost common sense, love of country, and have no moral core.” –Woman, 70s
“They do not serve the people, they serve themselves and special interests, and lie to our faces about their priorities.” –Man, 40s