喬治亞富頓縣2020 Nov. 3,當媒體和監票人被欺騙回家後,6個人留下來偷偷私自計票。監控視頻和截圖都在這裏

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圖5, 拖出更多黑箱子

圖6,Nov 3, 11:07pm 開始私自計票,注意媒體監票區空無一人。

圖7,Nov 4, 12:50am, 直到第二天早上12:50am, 私自計票才完成,準備離開。

圖8, Nov 4, 12:52am 6個人離開,走到了出口,這時他們已經私自操作了兩個小時多。

圖9. Nov 3 當晚被欺騙回家的員工聽說你們的計票點還在計票,你們怎麽回家了?他們才匆匆趕回計票點,但被人阻攔不許進入,等到淩晨01:41am,他們終於被允許進入計票大廳時,那些私自計票的人已經離開幾十分鍾了。


Republicans tender new CCTV footage to Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee

Sky News Australia   3.52M subscribers

1.3M views  2 years ago
An attorney has tendered  CCTV evidence to a Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee which she claims shows poll workers waiting for observers and media to leave before accessing ballot-stuffed suitcases from under a table. 
@benicia21  2 years ago
it’s quite telling that the Australian media covers this better than the US press.

2 years ago
Imagine Australia being better about reporting what’s going on in our own country than our own reporters

2 years ago
THIS IS A CRITICAL POINT! I know from working as a Pollworker this Election Day that any real ballot boxes will have security tags that have their own ID numbers. These are like thick round zip ties that prevent the case from opening. Any box with real ballots will have these in place. Before any case is opened, the number is verified against a checklist that has the recorded number to confirm that no one has tampered with the case. I helped with these on Nov. 3rd. The tags have to be cut off with witnesses checking numbers. In this video, it is clear there were no locking tags of any sort, they just lifted the lids off the cases. CLEARLY, these were not legitimate ballots. How our Election Officials can look at this presentation and not see blatant fraud is reprehensible. They are either corrupt or trying to cover their asses. It is Sick how the MSM is portraying this election as legitimate. The mainstream talking heads have no souls and no morals. They know they are all spinning lies to maintain what they consider personal influence over the general public. The more people who buy into it, the more money the talking heads make and the more powerful they feel. They are really sick people with a twisted view of reality.

2 years ago
They literally showed a video where they cleared a room of people and 4 people stayed back and counted votes. What part of that doesn't count as reasonable evidence.

2 years ago
“No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot. “
- Mark Twain

2 years ago
Straight up caught yet they still let them get away with it ... Sickening !!!

2 years ago
As an American, thank you for doing what the American media refuses to do. They are part of the fix.

2 years ago
The 4 people who stayed behind to continue to count after everyone was told to go home that night should be investigated.

2 years ago
Thank you Sky News Australia, it's reassuring of basic human decency that some news agencies are still actual news agencies. You are doing more for a foreign country than some of it's own constituents. Bless all of the Sky News Australia branch, you are shining examples of humanity.

2 years ago
I am sick and ashamed of my fellow countryman.  I served my country for 26 years and am deeply saddened by the corruption.  Our own news media is a disgrace that we have to find this out from a foreign news agency.

2 years ago
The fact that an Australian news source is covering this while American msm is silent should startle people.

2 years ago
It’s a shame, as a Texan, that I have to rely on an Australian news organization to get the facts but thank you for showing this footage. 

Rise up against tyranny!

2 years ago
I am an Air Force Veteran and worked for over a dozen years as a DeKalb County Georgia poll manager. (The next county east of Atlanta.) I watched the Georgia World Congress Center security video in question several times and may have a way to prove someone stuffed the ballot box. BTW, counting the ballots again won't find anything new because they are simply counting the same paper ballots over and over again.

Having worked the polls as a manager, I know all of the procedures very well. One part of the process is when a person comes in to vote in person, they must fill out and sign a form requesting a ballot. After showing one of the several kinds of photo ID, the voter is looked up in a computerized database where their record is checked to see if they had requested an absentee ballot and if everything was OK, they were allowed to go vote. Then on a log sheet, the person's name was noted, a sequential number was assigned to their valid form and finally, those signed and numbered forms were collected and bound into pads of 100.

At the end of the election day, we had to check the number of valid ballot request forms from the log sheet and compare that number to the calculated number of votes that were on the computerized printout. If the numbers did not match, we did not go home until we figured out where the error had been made. We almost always got a perfect match. I can remember only one time where we were off by one. Fulton County polls were typically off by double-digit numbers which they considered to be "normal". We often joked amongst ourselves how incompetent the Fulton County poll workers seemed to be.

IF some bad actors did pull boxes of ballots out from under the black fabric-covered table and then count those ballots, this is where they can be caught... there will not be a matching number of signed request forms for ballots. The discrepancy could be in the thousands!

Terry Thomas
Chamblee, Georgia

2 years ago
This was live on One America News network the other day.  They played this in its entirety.   OANN is my new network over Fox.   This election is a shame and we can’t let this go down like this.  Justice needs to be served.

2 years ago
"But where's the evidence?" Said the criminals.

2 years ago (edited)
Anytime someone in a panicked voice states, "That was Debunked" your getting warm.

2 years ago
I think I speak for many non-Australians when I say thank you for your dedication to Journalism and truth. The international community thanks you

2 years ago
Female Democrat Senator: This has been debunked repeatedly, what evidence do you have!!!
Lawyer: You just saw it

2 years ago
Man that lady is trying to debunk it so hard even though it’s the first time being shown.

2 years ago
That Senator sounds terrified.   You can hear the fear,  shaking,  in her voice.   She gets very emotional, as if she's attached to it.

2 years ago
The fact that these pollsters continued their counting clearly WITHOUT supervision should be violation in of itself.

2 years ago
This is why there should be CCTV for all voting locations for stuff like this and played live over the air.

2 years ago
They should be arrested and charged with Treason

2 years ago
This is terrifying that the entire world media isn’t demanding answers

2 years ago
I just want to sincerely thank the wonderful people at Sky News Australia for telling the truth and showing the US Media what real journalism is. Love you Australia from the US

2 years ago
The fact that an Australian news outlet is airing this is Amazing!  Thank you

2 years ago
Who else is American yet has to come here to get real news!! Thank you

2 years ago
As an American, I want to say thank you to Australia.

2 years ago
We need cameras at each voting place. Video evidence would be immensely helpful and a deterrent against fraud

2 years ago
Everyone in that room after it was"cleared" should go to prison.

2 years ago
It amazes me that it’s 2020 and we still have cameras in places like this that look like their footage comes from the 1990’s.

2 years ago
Lesson to Republican observers - never leave count room ever. Lies at every turn.

2 years ago
That woman’s reaction telegraphed immense guilt and realisation.

2 years ago
"The party told you to ignore all evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command" 1984




左媒沒報就不算數 -thundersong- 給 thundersong 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/06/2023 postreply 14:01:21

當地的共和黨政府早就辟謠了。怎麽不長記性,反複貼。 貼一萬次, 也是謠言,, -tt10- 給 tt10 發送悄悄話 (246 bytes) () 09/06/2023 postreply 14:31:26

帖一萬次不行就帖十萬次,戈培爾有名言麽LOL -玻璃坊- 給 玻璃坊 發送悄悄話 玻璃坊 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/06/2023 postreply 15:14:09

嗬嗬,那個調查回避了基本事實:沒有監票,那個計票過程失去程序正義。事後他們轉移主題,變成為兩母女脫罪。況且 -freemanli01- 給 freemanli01 發送悄悄話 freemanli01 的博客首頁 (1055 bytes) () 09/06/2023 postreply 18:52:14

“證據”多但不敢在法庭呈送 -玻璃坊- 給 玻璃坊 發送悄悄話 玻璃坊 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/06/2023 postreply 15:12:58

所以才敢躲在屏幕後麵匿名胡烈烈,,, -tt10- 給 tt10 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/06/2023 postreply 21:36:57

喬治亞州務卿方麵事後的聲明隻是為那母女兩人開脫,說她們不知情,是聽命行事 -freemanli01- 給 freemanli01 發送悄悄話 freemanli01 的博客首頁 (487 bytes) () 09/07/2023 postreply 02:25:56



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