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先是報道扶植戲精上台的烏克蘭傳媒大亨,猶太權貴集團的代表人物,猶太人 Ihor Kolomoisky 被拘拿歸案:

Ukrainian oligarch and Zelensky supporter arrested in fraud investigation, according to state media

From CNN's Josh Pennington

Ihor Kolomoisky attends a court hearing at Shevchenkivskyi District Court in Kyiv on September 2. Ihor Kolomoisky attends a court hearing at Shevchenkivskyi District Court in Kyiv on September 2. Sergei Chuzavkov/AFP/Getty Images

 A Kyiv court on Saturday ordered Ihor Kolomoisky, a Ukrainian oligarch and key supporter of President Volodymyr Zelensky, to 60 days in pre-trial detention while authorities investigate fraud charges against him, according to Ukrainian state media outlet Ukrinform.

The Shevchenkivskyi District Court ordered that Kolomoisky be held until October 31, according to Ukrinform. Kolomoisky was also given the option to post bail in excess of 500 million Ukrainian hryvnia (approximately $14 million), state media reported.

In order to post bail, he would be required not to leave the area he is staying, to appear for any interrogations and to notify authorities if he changes residences, Ukrinfrom reported. He also must surrender passports for traveling abroad, and is prohibited from contacting other witnesses or suspects involved in the investigation.

今天,CNN又爆料:猶太權貴在烏克蘭軍中的代表人物,猶太人 Oleksii Reznikov,被戲精解職。

President Zelensky fires Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov

From CNN's Josh Pennington and Jonny Hallam


Oleksii Reznikov attends a ceremony in Kyiv on August 23.
Oleksii Reznikov attends a ceremony in Kyiv on August 23. Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Reuters


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has dismissed Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov, saying the ministry needs "new approaches" as the war with Russia enters its 19th month.

"This week, parliament will be asked to make a personnel decision. ... I have decided to replace the minister of defense of Ukraine. Oleksii Reznikov has gone through more than 550 days of full-scale war," the Ukrainian leader said.

Zelensky nominated Rustem Umerov, the former people's deputy of Ukraine, to become the new defense minister.

"The Verkhovna Rada (legislature) of Ukraine knows this person well, and Mr. Umerov does not need any additional introductions," Zelensky said. "I expect parliament to support this candidate."

Key context: Reznikov's removal comes in the wake of a number of corruption scandals involving Ukraine's Ministry of Defense. While Reznikov has not been implicated in any of them, the scandals have still been seen to damage him by association.

Zelensky has said rooting out corruption across Ukraine's government is vital to Kyiv's chances of attaining long-awaited membership in NATO and the European Union.

The Ukrainian president made cracking down on internal scandals a central issue in his campaign for office.

On Saturday, one of Ukraine's most powerful oligarchs and a key Zelensky supporter, Ihor Kolomoisky, was arrested as part of a fraud investigation.


但是。。。。。。你懂的 小聲點


按這個邏輯,共產黨就不會殺共產黨.但還是殺來殺去. -Uusequery- 給 Uusequery 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/03/2023 postreply 18:24:29

“四哥”的看法:烏克蘭猶太權貴與美國猶太權貴在“戰與和”上麵,出現分歧。UU猜猜看,是誰想和?誰想戰? -爪四哥- 給 爪四哥 發送悄悄話 爪四哥 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/03/2023 postreply 18:47:26

沒有任何數據或證據支持,就是憑空瞎猜. 想當然 -Uusequery- 給 Uusequery 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/03/2023 postreply 19:03:29



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