
來源: 唵啊吽 2023-08-15 19:28:40 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (542375 bytes)

空氣中彌漫著變化。Change is in the air.

在烏克蘭戰爭的掩護下,過去一個半世紀以來確保西方霸權的全球架構正在發生巨大的徹底變化。Under cover of the Ukrainian war, vast sweeping changes are in order for the global architecture which has secured Western hegemony for the past century and a half.

目前在非洲和“南半球”發生的事件敢於掩蓋烏克蘭戰爭的重要性,烏克蘭戰爭隻不過是世界各地爆發的反帝國主義情緒的革命層蛋糕上的糖霜。The events currently playing out in Africa and the ‘global south’ dare to eclipse the significance of the Ukrainian war, which acts merely as the frosting to the revolutionary layer cake of anti-imperialist sentiment bursting forth around the world.

非洲已經受夠了,正在沿著地緣政治路線自我組裝。西非國家經濟共同體(ECOWAS)的美國走狗尋求維持現狀,而敵對集團則準備一勞永逸地剝奪西方列強自稱的對非洲土地及其資源的天生權利。Africa has had enough, and is self-assembling along geopolitical lines. The U.S. stooges of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) seek to keep the status quo going while rival blocs are ready to strip the Western powers of their self-proclaimed birthright to the African land—and its resources—once and for all.


全球南方的這場新的反抗追隨了先前運動的腳步,特別是卡紮菲的運動,他推動泛非主義,並尋求以基於古典利比亞金第納爾的非洲貨幣取代法郎。This new revolt of the global south follows in the footsteps of previous movements, notably that of Gaddafi, who pushed for pan-Africanism and sought to replace the French Franc with an African currency based on the classical Libyan gold Dinar.

2011 年被黑客入侵的克林頓電子郵件(2015 年發布)揭示了這一點。This was revealed in hacked Clinton emails from 2011 (released in 2015). 其中一張One of them是克林頓基金會雇員西德尼·布盧門撒爾(後來得知,中央情報局特工的代理人)告訴希拉裏以下內容: featured Clinton Foundation employee Sydney Blumenthal (a proxy for a CIA agent, it was later learned) telling Hillary the following:

的黎波裏利比亞中央銀行的金庫。這些黃金是在當前叛亂之前積累的,旨在用於建立基於利比亞金第納爾的泛非洲貨幣。The vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli. This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. 該計劃旨在為非洲法語國家提供法郎(CFA)的替代貨幣This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French.franc (CFA).

布盧門撒爾繼續暗示:Blumenthal goes on to intimate that:

“法國情報官員在當前的叛亂開始後不久就發現了這一計劃”,並且這““French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began”, and that this “影響了總統尼古拉·薩科齊讓法國參與進攻利比亞的決定influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya”。”.

現在,考慮到這一點,請聽下麵關於非洲當前事態發展的新報告:Now, with that in mind, listen to this new report below about the current African developments:

2011年,當西方國家不得不削弱利比亞以阻止非洲擺脫殖民主義奴役時,可悲的是,俄羅斯太軟弱,無力對抗北約領導的聯合西方列強。更不用說,這件事發生在梅德韋傑夫短暫的總統任期內,普京在總理職位上退居二線。事實上,這導致了他們唯一的公開衝突之一,梅德韋傑夫甚至譴責普京對北約針對利比亞的野蠻“中世紀十字軍”的評論“過於挑釁”:In 2011, when Libya had to be cut down by the West to stop Africa’s break from colonialist vassalage, Russia was tragically too weak to yet act against the united Western powers led by NATO. Not to mention, it happened during Medvedev’s brief tenure as president, with Putin taking a backseat in the prime minister role. In fact, it led to one of their only public clashes, where Medvedev even censured Putin for his ‘too-provocative’ comments regarding NATO’s barbaric “medieval crusade” against Libya:

俄羅斯在聯合國決議中投了棄權票,該決議授權在利比亞采取軍事行動,以保護平民免受親卡紮菲勢力的侵害。The UN resolution, which Russia abstained from voting on, authorised military action in Libya to protect civilians from pro-Gaddafi forces.

梅德韋傑夫先生對俄羅斯新聞機構表示:“在任何情況下都不能接受使用‘十字軍東征’等本質上會導致文明衝突的措辭。Mr Medvedev told Russian news agencies: "Under no circumstances is it acceptable to use expressions which essentially lead to a clash of civilisations, such as 'crusade' and so on.

“這是不可接受的。否則,一切可能會比現在更糟糕。”"It is unacceptable. Otherwise, everything may end up much worse compared to what's going on now."

普京表示,周四通過的聯合國安理會第 1973 號決議是“有缺陷和有缺陷的”,因為它“允許一切”。Mr Putin had said UN Security Council Resolution 1973, which was adopted on Thursday, was "defective and flawed" as it "allows for everything".

可見,膽怯的梅德韋傑夫在聯合國安理會放棄了阻止北約對利比亞的軍事幹預。As can be seen, a cowed Medvedev abstained from blocking NATO’s military intervention against Libya in the UN Security Council.

現在情況不同了。普京重新掌握了局勢,並且準確地知道了比分。親俄熱潮席卷全球,尤其是非洲,引發了前所未有的徹底推翻殖民主義列強的勇氣。Now things are different. Putin is back in control and knows the score precisely. A wave of pro-Russian fervor is sweeping the globe and Africa in particular, leading to a boldness like never before to topple the colonialist powers once and for all.

《經濟學人》對尼日爾公民對俄羅斯和整個軍政府的支持感到沮喪:The Economist is in dismay over Nigerien citizens’ support of Russia and the junta in general:


尼日爾人接受了對歐洲各國信任度的民意調查。Nigeriens are polled on their trust of various European countries.

顯然,俄羅斯在烏克蘭戰爭中對抗西方列強的以弱勝強的表現被世界視為一種重振活力的鼓舞。當非洲國家看到俄羅斯帶頭向西方發起進攻時,他們感到有安全感在“老大哥”身後前進。It’s clear that Russia’s David vs. Goliath performance in the Ukrainian war against the combined powers of the West is seen by the world as a reinvigorating and animating inspiration. When African countries see Russia leading the charge with its opening salvo against the West, they feel secure in marching behind their ‘big brother’.

真正的戰爭始終是關於歐洲的主要霸權武器:其貨幣和銀行體係,它用來奴役較小的國家並控製其他“大國”。但現在事情正以驚人的同步性聚合在一起,從西方手中奪回控製權。再過一周多一點,曆史性的金磚國家峰會將舉行,這將成為顛覆世界秩序的關鍵。The true war has always been about Europe’s main hegemonic weapon: its currency and banking system, which it uses to enslave lesser countries and control other ‘great powers’. But things are now converging with remarkable synchronicity to wrest back control from the West. In only a little over a week, a historic BRICS summit will take place and is set to become a linchpin in upturning the world order.

從最近的這些報告可以看出,As can be seen from these recent reports, “南半球”的每個人都在呼籲一種新貨幣來取代美元和其他西方單位。everyone唯一的問題是是否有足夠的決心和熱情來真正推動這一倡議。 in the ‘global south’ is clamoring for a new currency to replace the dollar and other Western units. The only question is whether there will be enough resolve and gusto to really push the initiative forward.

聽聽盧拉最近關於即將舉行的金磚國家峰會的講話吧:Just listen to this recent Lula speech regarding the upcoming BRICS summit:

有報道稱,印度和巴西正在抵製金磚國家的擴張,並希望“放慢”任何新成員的加入。盧拉在這裏反駁了這些謠言,表示如果一個國家通過了入學要求,他們就會被接納。據記錄,印度也There were reports that India and Brazil were resisting the expansion of BRICS and wanted to ‘slow-roll’ the entry of any new members. Here, Lula somewhat refutes these rumors by stating that if a country passes admission requirements, they will be admitted. For the record, India too 駁斥了has refuted claims其試圖阻止金磚國家擴張的說法。 that it’s seeking to block BRICS expansion.


還記得這些事情隻是在網絡角落的不健全網站上的可疑謠言嗎?現在,我們越來越多地直接從馬口中聽到這樣的說法:這些主要領導人想要一種新的貨幣,而世界上一些最具地緣政治意義的國家正在尋求加入金磚國家。這現已成為既定事實。Remember when such things were just dubious rumors on unsound sites in the corners of the web? Now, more and more we hear it straight from the horse’s mouth—these major leaders want a new currency, and some of the most geopolitically significant countries in the world are seeking to join BRICS. This is now established fact.

當然,這一切仍然存在重大障礙,我並不是試圖淡化這些障礙或對事態發展過度美化。但我相信壓力正在形成,而且很明顯事情已經呈現出不可逆轉的勢頭。Of course, there are still major hurdles for all of this, and I’m not trying to downplay them or overly lily-gild the developments. But I believe the pressure-front is building and it’s clear that things have taken on an irreversible momentum.

例如,在頂部發布的視頻中,您可以看到一位非洲受訪者表示,仍有許多人堅持法郎,驅逐他們可能很困難。我們常常喜歡把自己先入為主的For instance, in the video posted at the top, you can see one of the African interviewees stating that there are still many that cling to the French Franc and dislodging them could be difficult. We often like to impose our own pre-conceived 理想主義強加idealisms給其他國家和文化,這往往隻不過是一廂情願的想法。最終,人民自己必須依靠自己的力量和決定論來決定自己的前進道路和命運。 onto other countries and cultures, which often amounts to little more than wishful thinking. In the end, the people themselves have to rely on their own agency and determinism to decide their path forward, and their destiny.

同樣,這種非黑即白的分析也適用於尼日爾目前的局勢。這是我找到的關於這種情況的最詳細的文章,其中涉及細微差別,其中一些對於西方人喜歡的簡單、易接受的理解類型來說並不方便。Likewise, such non-black-and-white analysis applies to the current situation inside Niger. Here’s the most detailed writeup I’ve found on the situation, which goes into the nuances, some of which are not convenient for the easy, palatable types of understandings people in the West prefer. From 

: :


聚焦非洲Sharp Focus on Africa
亮點:尼日利亞國內的反對派依然存在,蒂努布很難忽視這一點。西非國家經濟共同體委員會主席、岡比亞人敦促對尼日爾進行軍事幹預。根據較小成員國的願望,西非經共體發表的最終公報敦促軍事幹預,以恢複尼日爾的憲法秩序,並援引...Highlights: Domestic opposition remains inside Nigeria, which Tinubu would find difficult to ignore. President of ECOWAS Commission, who is Gambian, urges military intervention in Niger. In line with the wishes of the smaller member-states, the final communique issued by ECOWAS urges military intervention to restore constitutional order in Niger, citing t…
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例如,作者指出,我們如何假設尼日爾軍政府領導人奇亞尼推翻前總統巴祖姆是對法國占領和西方殖民主義的反抗。但事實證明,蒂亞尼即將被免職可能是主要的權宜之計。For instance, the author points out how we assume that the Nigerien junta leader Tchiani overthrew ex-president Bazoum as a rebellion against French occupation and Western colonialism. But it turns out that Tchiani’s upcoming removal could instead have been the main expedient.

文章還介紹了西非經共體對尼日爾進行軍事幹預的前景的最新情況。筆者認為,這不太可能,因為尼日利亞缺乏民眾支持,尼日利亞通過代理控製西非經共體。The article also gives an update on the prospects of ECOWAS military intervention in Niger. The author believes that it’s unlikely due to lack of popular support in Nigeria, which controls ECOWAS by proxy.



另一種觀點如下,其中指出,軍事幹預的主要驅動力可能是西非經共體個別國家領導人明確承認,如果他們不為尼日爾軍政府“樹立榜樣,那麽他們自己可能成為下一個受害者”被反殖民主義民眾推翻,他們將他們視為西方走狗:Another take was the following, which states that the main driver for military intervention would potentially be the stark acknowledgement by individual ECOWAS state leaders that if they don’t “make an example of” Niger’s junta, then they themselves could be next to fall victim to overthrows by their anti-colonialist populace, which regards them as Western stooges:



目前,美國已表示軍事幹預應該是“最後手段”。For now, the U.S. has signaled that military intervention should be a “last resort”.



華盛頓(人造衛星) - 美國國務院首席副發言人韋丹特·帕特爾周一表示,西非國家經濟共同體(西非經共體)為解決尼日爾軍事接管問題而進行軍事幹預應該是最後的選擇。WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Military intervention by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to address the military takeover in Niger ought to be an option of last resort, US State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said on Monday.

但這些看似溫和的言論卻掩蓋了西方的真實意圖。這隻是試圖表現出外交和認真的態度,而他們真正的意思是,將通過不斷增加的威脅和脅迫製度,首次嚐試通過談判讓軍政府投降,如果失敗,將采取軍事選擇到桌子上。這是標準的美國“外交”。But these seemingly tempered words belie the West’s true intentions. It’s merely an attempt to appear diplomatic and conscientious, when what they really mean is that first attempts at negotiating the junta’s surrender will be made, by way of an increasing regime of threats and coercion, and if that should fail, military options will be brought to the table. It’s standard U.S. “diplomacy.”

尼日爾 CNSP(軍政府)發言人阿馬杜·阿卜杜拉馬內上校聲稱,法國軍隊已經襲擊了尼日爾安全部隊:Niger CNSP (junta government) spokesman Colonel Amadou Abdramane claims that French forces have already attacked Nigerien security troops:

有傳言稱瓦格納正在控製尼日爾與其一些鄰國之間的邊境檢查站,而法國和美國控製著其餘的邊境檢查站:Rumors abound that Wagner is controlling the border checkpoints between Niger and some of its neighbors, while France and U.S. control the rest:

多位消息人士稱,瓦格納集團控製著尼日爾與乍得、利比亞、馬裏和布基納法索接壤的關鍵邊境地區。Several sources say the Wagner group controls key border areas of Niger on the border with Chad, Libya, Mali and Burkina Faso.

與此同時,據報道,與阿爾及利亞和貝寧的邊境地區仍處於美國和法國的控製之下。Meanwhile, border areas with Algeria and Benin reportedly remain under U.S. and French control.


與此同時,美國對非洲國家為何可能站在俄羅斯一邊表示困惑。以下是國務院發言人馬修·米勒的講話:The U.S. in the meantime expresses dumbfounded puzzlement as to why African countries could possibly side with Russia. Here’s Department of State spokesman Matthew Miller:

這位可憐而困惑的殖民者不知道為什麽非洲人想要購買俄羅斯國旗。好吧,馬修,你為什麽不讓他們自己教育你呢:The poor, confused colonist has no idea why Africans would want to buy Russian flags. Well, Matthew, why don’t you let them educate you themselves:

西方/歐洲精英的問題是他們認為南半球的每個人都是愚蠢的。例如,在幾周前的烏克蘭糧食交易惡作劇期間,歐洲技術官僚確實試圖將這種荒謬的邏輯強加給非洲人,認為他們會陷入如此愚蠢和赤裸裸的不誠實的事情: The problem with Western/European elites is they think everyone in the global south is stupid. For instance, during the Ukrainian grain deal shenanigans a few weeks back the Euro-technocrats really tried to foist this nonsensical logic onto Africans, thinking they would fall for something so utterly cretinous and nakedly dishonest:


你相信嗎?他真的試圖讓非洲人相信俄羅斯正在用免費穀物“奴役他們”!相反,有人認為,歐洲盜竊和貪婪地囤積糧食是出於某種慷慨或利他主義。Can you believe it? He really tried to gaslight Africans into believing that Russia is ‘enslaving them’ with free grain! While, conversely, Europe’s theft and gluttinous hoarding of their grain is meant to be some sort of munificence or altruism, one supposes.


這就是為什麽非洲人現在拒絕接受來自歐洲的絕望欺騙,這種欺騙最終導致了對帝國主義時代的昔日帝國的控製權的最後喘息。This is why Africans now reject the desperate deceit from Europe, which is culminating in a last gasp for control over their erstwhile empires from the age of imperialism.

與此同時,普京為世界提供了一條新的、更好的道路。在昨天作為軍博會一部分的安全會議上,他鼓吹所有國家在西方的棍棒下進行合作。Meanwhile Putin offers a new and better path to the world. During yesterday’s security conference as part of the Arms expo, he preached cooperation amongst all the countries under the West’s cudgel.

同樣,紹伊古呼應了我之前的想法,即俄羅斯對腐朽的西方的巨大持續勝利正在刺激世界革命動力的複興,就像蘇聯二戰的勝利對反殖民主義所做的那樣:Likewise, Shoigu echoed my earlier thoughts in that Russia’s grand ongoing victory against the decadent West is spurring a revival of the world’s revolutionary impetus just as the USSR’s WW2 victory had done for anti-colonialism:

許多非洲和“南半球”代表團出席了今天的博覽會:And many African and ‘global south’ delegations were in attendance at the expo today:

西方一直在拚命想辦法吸引南方國家重新加入他們的陣營。最大的問題是,當你僅靠恐懼和鐵拳進行統治時,你永遠無法獲得“臣民”的尊重。一旦出現保護者,你的臣民總會有勇氣掙脫你的掌控。The West has desperately been trying to come up with ways to woo the global south back into their fold. The big problem is, when you rule by fear and an iron fist alone, you will never secure the respect of your ‘subjects’. And at the first sign of a protector, your subjects will invariably gain the courage to squirm away from your grasp.


持久發展地緣政治關係的唯一正確途徑是國家之間的相互尊重;不僅為了彼此的安全利益和總體利益,而且為了彼此的文化價值觀以及威斯特伐利亞邊界和不幹涉主義的神聖性。The only true way to carry out geopolitical relations in a lasting way is via mutual respect between countries; not only for each other’s security interests and interests in general, but for one another’s cultural values and the Westphalian sanctity for borders and non-interventionism.

相反,西方隻使用欺淩策略、威脅、恐嚇和散布恐懼的謊言。這就是他們所知道的一切,因為他們已經習慣了作為一個氏族黑手黨來管理世界。例如,他們聲稱尼日爾接管後關鍵管道項目處於危險之中,試圖讓軍政府支持者臨陣退縮。但這遭到了駁斥和揭穿;來自萊巴爾:Instead, the West uses only bullying tactics, threats, intimidation, and fear-mongering lies. It’s all they know because they’re so used to running the world as a clannish mafia. For instance, they tried to give junta supporters cold feet by claiming critical pipeline projects were in danger in the wake of the Niger takeover. But this was refuted and debunked; From Rybar:

西方媒體和一些俄羅斯電報頻道開始複製有關尼日爾多個石油和天然氣項目因政變而受到威脅的謠言。最常被提及的是跨撒哈拉天然氣管道和兩條石油管道:尼日爾-貝寧和尼日爾-乍得。 Western media and some Russian telegram channels began to replicate rumors about alleged threats to various oil and gas projects in Niger because of the coup. The most frequently mentioned are the Trans-Sahara gas pipeline and two oil pipelines: Niger-Benin and Niger-Chad.

有積極觀點認為,尼日爾新軍政府的行動以及由此引發的西非經共體和西方國家的製裁將嚴重打擊這些項目的實施,甚至可能影響這些耗資巨大的項目的關閉。There is an active opinion that the actions of the new military government in Niger and, as a result, sanctions from ECOWAS and Western countries, will hit hard on their implementation, and may even affect the closure of these expensive projects.

然而,正如 @africaintel 頻道正確指出的那樣 (https://t.me/africaintel/4891),這些項目的命運在 7 月 26 日之後沒有任何改變。例如,貝寧政府已表示(https://t.me/africaintel/4627),來自尼日爾的石油管道不會受到製裁,其建設仍在以同樣的速度進行。 However, as the @africaintel channel correctly noted (https://t.me/africaintel/4891), the fate of these projects has not changed in any way after July 26th. For example, the government of Benin has stated (https://t.me/africaintel/4627) that the oil pipeline from Niger will not fall under sanctions, and its construction continues at the same pace.

至於另外兩個項目,他們之前沒有一個合理的建設計劃。自2019年以來,一直沒有關於尼日爾-乍得石油管道的消息。而關於跨撒哈拉天然氣管道,盡管自1970年代以來就一直在討論其建設,但直到2022年才簽署了諒解備忘錄。As for the other two projects, they have done without a sane construction plan before. There has been no news about the Niger-Chad oil pipeline since 2019. And on the Trans-Saharan gas pipeline, despite talks about its construction since the 1970s, only in 2022 was a memorandum of understanding signed.

此類“威脅實施非洲昂貴而重要項目”的宣傳活動,無非是西方國家向尼日爾新政府施壓、在談判中占據更好地位的又一次嚐試。Such information campaigns about the “threat to the implementation of expensive and important projects for Africa” are nothing more than another attempt by Western countries to put pressure on the new authorities in Niger and take a better position in the negotiations.

現在,普京還定於八月下旬會見埃爾多安,討論糧食交易等問題。這意味著接下來的幾周將會非常多事。Now, Putin is also set to meet Erdogan in late August to discuss the grain deal, among other things. This means the next few weeks will be quite eventful.

如果主要成員能夠找到足夠的共同點,就關鍵問題達成一致,金磚國家峰會就有可能成為劃時代的峰會。我不一定期待全麵的黃金支持貨幣聲明,但至少有一些具體的建議將推動進程向前發展。每個國家都可以收回一些東西來進行討論,以便製定出可靠的實施計劃。The BRICS summit has the potential to be epochal in nature, if the chief members can find enough commonality to make agreements on key issues. I’m not necessarily expecting a full-blown gold-backed currency announcement, but at least some concrete proposals would push the dial forward. Something that can be taken back by each country to be discussed so that solid plans towards implementation can then worked out.

我們屏息以待地等待著新成員的引入,或者至少有一些具體的公告,為所謂的 23 名新的潛在候選人提供大致的進入途徑。And we await with bated breath the potential induction of new members, or at the least some concrete announcement of an outlined pathway to entry for the purported 23 new prospective aspirants.

西方仍然對較小的被占領國家保留著強大的控製手段和巨大的影響力,這些國家通常由永遠忠實於西方秩序的傀儡領導。所以他們會想盡一切辦法攪局,但風向是顯而易見的,他們所做的一切都是一場乏味的、艱苦的戰鬥。The West still retains powerful levers of control and large amounts of influence with the smaller occupied nations that are—as a rule—led by installed puppets ever-faithful to the Western order. So they will do everything in their power to play spoiler, but it’s clear which way the wind’s blowing, and everything they do is a tedious, uphill battle.

即將舉行的金磚國家峰會將成為衡量這種影響力對西方下屬的影響力的完美晴雨表。如果某些國家(例如印度)攪局而引發爭議或令人失望的結果,那麽我們將看到西方秩序尚未放棄戰鬥。但如果結果比預期更有希望,那麽它可能就是典型的打開潘多拉魔盒的蓋子,這將啟動針對數百年西方帝國主義霸權秩序的最後階段的致命一擊。The upcoming BRICS summit will be the prefect barometer by which to gauge how much of this influence remains over the West’s subordinates. If there are controversies or a disappointing result by way of some nation(s)—like India, for instance—playing spoiler, then we’ll be able to see that the Western order has not given up the fight just yet. But if the results are even more promising than expected, it could be the quintessential unbolting of the lid on Pandora’s box, which would initiate the final stage of the coup de grâce against the centuries-old Western imperialist hegemonic order.

穀歌翻譯Change Is in the Air in Africa


共產主義幽靈終於漂到了非洲大地 -thundersong- 給 thundersong 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2023 postreply 19:37:34

那是獨裁主義的幽靈, 共產主義幽靈已經滅絕了 -weibao- 給 weibao 發送悄悄話 weibao 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2023 postreply 20:35:48



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