CPI 隻有 3.0, 美帝健康, LOL

來源: Tomasli 2023-07-12 05:51:49 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1287 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ Tomasli ] 在 2023-07-12 05:52:01 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

Inflation fell to its lowest annual rate in more than two years during June, the product both of some deceleration in costs and easy comparisons against a time when price increases were running at a more than 40-year high.

The consumer price index increased 3% from a year ago, which is the lowest level since March 2021. On a monthly basis, the index, which measures a broad swath of prices for goods and services, rose 0.2%.


That compared to Dow Jones estimates for respective increases of 3.1% and 0.3%.


看圖 -楓林曉- 給 楓林曉 發送悄悄話 楓林曉 的博客首頁 (192208 bytes) () 07/12/2023 postreply 06:19:52

對比一下PMI -楓林曉- 給 楓林曉 發送悄悄話 楓林曉 的博客首頁 (209287 bytes) () 07/12/2023 postreply 06:25:40

共匪還沒有把美帝折磨死, 這就是勝利, LOL, 還有一口氣. 留得青山在....... -Tomasli- 給 Tomasli 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2023 postreply 06:44:01

原來美國這麽軟弱,胎孫子可能快不行了 -clemson- 給 clemson 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2023 postreply 07:26:00

至少inflation rate降下來了,interest rate高大家都買美債,投資demand就低了。 -MoonlightBee- 給 MoonlightBee 發送悄悄話 MoonlightBee 的博客首頁 (239 bytes) () 07/12/2023 postreply 08:24:22

北美上層的領導咱看不見。但光看大學校長,副校長,市長等,就知道北美真的沒啥指望了。中國的領導蠢,但北美的更蠢。 -ShiMaQian- 給 ShiMaQian 發送悄悄話 ShiMaQian 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2023 postreply 12:55:00



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