Ukraine Update: ‘Huge’ progress at Bakhmut, Ukraine liberates territory held by Russia since 2014
by Mark Sumner for Daily Kos, Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 3:21 pm EDT
周三,烏克蘭和俄羅斯的消息來源都報道說,烏克蘭在巴赫穆特城周邊取得了重大進展。 這包括:在北部,烏克蘭人正在那裏進一步向別爾希夫卡(Berkhivka)推進,現正從北麵和東麵契入亞希德(Yahidne); 在南部,烏克蘭人在克裏什奇夫卡(Klishchiivka)和庫爾久米夫卡(Kurdyumivka)附近都取得了進展;以及位於中央的巴赫穆特周邊,那就是……巴赫穆特(城)。
烏總參謀部發言人稱,過去 24 小時期間烏軍在該地區的行動取得了“切實的成功”。 其他消息源則將烏軍的推進泛稱為“巨大進展”。 烏軍的每日更新列出了巴赫穆特地區至少七個定居點的進展情況。 不僅烏軍取得了實質性進展,有報道稱,克裏什奇夫卡和別爾希夫卡以西附近的俄軍也麵臨著被包圍的危險。 目前,網上可見到的視頻顯示,有小股俄軍已經投降或被俘虜,但據報道已經投降或被俘虜的俄軍還有更多。
與此同時,在南麵 80 公裏處,據報道烏克蘭自此次抗俄衛國戰爭打響以來首次解放了在 2014 年即已被俄羅斯勢力占據的領土。
On Wednesday, both Ukrainian and Russian sources are reporting that Ukraine has made significant advances around Bakhmut. That includes in the north, where Ukrainians are building off an earlier push into Berkhivka and are now driving both north and east into Yahidne. It includes in the south, where Ukraine has made progress near both Klishchiivka and Kurdyumivka. And it includes in the middle, in that area around Bakhmut that's called … Bakhmut.
A representative of the general staff calls Ukraine's movements over the last 24 hours in the area a “tangible success.” Others are being more expansive, calling it “huge progress.” The daily update from the Ukrainian military lists progress at no fewer than seven settlements in the Bakhmut area. Not only have Ukrainian forces made substantial gains, there are reports that Russian forces near both Klishchiivka and west of Berkhivka are in danger of being surrounded. Right now, available videos show small groups of Russians who have surrendered or been taken captive, but there are reportedly many more.
Meanwhile, 80 kilometers to the south, for the first time since the war began, Ukraine has reportedly liberated territory captured by Russia in 2014.