Rice reports that debris burning starts the most human-caused fires, at 29 percent, with arson the cause of 21 percent of fires. Equipment use causes 11 percent of fires, while campfires and children playing with fireworks or matches each cause 5 percent of fires. The Fourth of July, predictably, is the biggest day for wildfires, with 7,762 fires ignited on that date over the 21-year study period.
看數據五分之一的人類引發野火, 是故意縱火. 相信, 實際縱火比例隻會更高.
2018就有一群俄勒岡的孩子故意往景區樹林裏扔煙火看看有啥效果,果然效果很大, 判罰3千六百萬美元賠償金!
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06/07/2023 postreply