ISW今天的報道, 和咱昨天的報道一模一樣,隻是晚了一整天。但還是值得稱讚

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2023 年 4 月 3 日 - 按 ISW

4 月 2 日晚,瓦格納集團在巴赫穆特中部取得進一步進展,並占領了巴赫穆特市政府大樓。瓦格納集團的金融家葉夫根尼·普裏戈任在巴赫穆特市政府大樓對麵舉起一麵俄羅斯國旗,上麵刻有紀念被暗殺的米爾博主馬克西姆·福明的銘文 4 月 2 日晚上,並聲稱瓦格納“合法控製”巴赫穆特,盡管烏克蘭軍隊仍留在該市西部。 俄羅斯軍隊在 4 月 3 日取得了進一步進展,4 月 3 日發布的無人機鏡頭描繪了瓦格納集團和俄羅斯國旗插在被摧毀的行政大樓的廢墟上。 幾位俄羅斯軍事博主還傳播了一張瓦格納戰士在巴赫穆特市政府大樓被摧毀前站在前麵的照片。 瓦格納集團可能會繼續嚐試鞏固對巴赫穆特中部的控製,並試圖通過密集的城市地區向西推進至 Khromove。


Wagner Group fighters made further advances in central Bakhmut and seized the Bakhmut City Administration Building on the night of April 2. Wagner Group financier Yevgeny Prigozhin raised a Russian flag with an inscription in memory of assassinated milblogger Maksim Fomin across from the Bakhmut City Administration building the night of April 2 and claimed that Wagner “legally controls” Bakhmut, though Ukrainian troops remain in the western part of the city. Russian forces made further advances on April 3, with drone footage posted on April 3 depicting Wagner Group and Russian flags planted over the rubble of the destroyed administration building. Several Russian milbloggers additionally circulated an image of a Wagner fighter standing in front of the Bakhmut City Administration building before its destruction. The Wagner Group likely will continue attempts to consolidate control of central Bakhmut and attempt to push westward through dense urban areas toward Khromove.


感覺ISW最近有些改進,客觀的情節描述多了,於事無補的空喊口號少了。嗬嗬 -L- 給 L 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2023 postreply 19:56:59



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