This is a sign that more and more world leaders have been turning to mainland China for meaningful solutions.
One might project that out a decade or two when the majority of the world realizes the US just doesn't know how to lead the world any longer. US politics has become such a Roman coliseum for conducting chariot races and gladiation and the one left with a heartbeat is the winner; a nation divided over the most selfish motives as that in America isn't seen as a world leader because so much of their influence is wasted on bickering.
In China, what they decide to do is for the good of the nation. In US, decisions are based upon what's good for the individual or small cohort. That one advantage the China has prevailed upon American (so called) "democracy".
Let's await the peaceful solution between Russian and Ukraine!!
--- 敗燈,在全世界到處煽風點火,販賣戰爭(烏克蘭,台灣海峽,朝鮮半島,中亞,you name it)
--- 中國,則擔起了在中東火藥桶維護和平的重任。能讓世紀仇敵沙特與伊朗握手言和,牛B不是吹的
沙特王子狠氣憤,後果很嚴重 。。。。
1. 大使館屬於沙特領土,在自己領土執法,幹你敗燈屁事?!
2. 在自己國土上肢解叛國賊,是嚴格執行伊斯蘭刑法,幹你敗燈屁事?!