
回答: 還真以為是人浪衝鋒?監考老師2023-03-08 18:40:12



年長的 Serhiy 說,敵人喜歡派出一隊三四名可消耗的步兵進行攻擊,並通過射擊烏克蘭人來暴露自己。 到那時,更多的精銳部隊將防守者的位置歸零。一旦他們開始交火,烏克蘭人就會遭到更重型武器的襲擊,例如俄羅斯迫擊炮和來自 Grad 多管火箭炮係統的火箭彈或 BMP 步兵戰車和帶機槍的 BTR 裝甲運兵車。“他們知道我們所在的位置,確定坐標,然後他們用迫擊炮從七到九公裏外攻擊我們,”以及從更近的地方用榴彈發射器攻擊我們,年長的 Serhiy 說。 “他們等著房子倒塌,所以我們不得不跳出去。 大樓著火了,然後他們想把我們幹掉。” 年輕的 Serhiy 補充說:“他們的鳥出來了,他們用火追趕我們,”他指的是俄羅斯的無人機,例如四軸飛行器和 Orlan-10 固定翼無人機,它們可以發現遠處的重型武器。 “他們打得很準。”

Some have characterized the Russian attacks as huge waves of cannon fodder, while others say that the invaders’ tactics have evolved to keep up with the battlefield. 

The older Serhiy says that the enemy likes to send a team of three or four expendable foot soldiers to attack and make the Ukrainians expose themselves by shooting at them. At that point, the more elite forces zero in on the defenders’ position. 

Once they begin exchanging fire, the Ukrainians are struck with heavier weapons like Russian mortars and rockets from Grad multiple launch rocket systems or BMP infantry fighting vehicles and BTR armored personnel carriers with machine guns. 

“They get the positions where we are, establish the coordinates, then they hit us from seven to nine kilometers out with mortars,” as well as from closer by with grenade launchers, says the older Serhiy. “They wait for the house to fall so we have to jump out. The building catches fire and then they try to finish us off.”

“Their birds come out and they chase us with fire,” adds the younger Serhiy, referring to Russian UAVs, like quadcopters and Orlan-10 fixed wing drones that spot distant heavy weapons. “They hit accurately.” 
