That's sad because Obama wants US-Putin war.

來源: nancy_002 2023-02-15 20:47:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2604 bytes)
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That's sad because Obama wants US enter into a direct conflict with Putin. Obama tried all kind of ways to overturn Putin but all failed. The one last thing he needs to do is to use US military to defeat Putin. It's sad that Biden (Obama's puppet) was flipped to Putin and now doesn't listen to his master (Obama) anymore.

CCP tried to play good face to all three parties: US, Putin and Ukraine, but now end up on the hot bench itself. Because Biden refused to enter into a direct war with Putin, and Putin saw he was deceived by CCP and now is punishing CCP. Ukraine is in deep mess... CCP although did not dispatch the ground troops, it has entered into the war by enticing Putin to initiate the war, by providing drones to both Ukraine and Putin (via Iran and NK), by providing unmanned suicidal ship to destroy Ukraine’s bridge, by helping bombing Russian flagship Moskva, Crimea and airports, by initiating psychological warfare against Putin’s military forces, by pushing sanction against and isolation of Russia, by faking a missile crisis in Poland to try to trigger article 5 of NATO… (I mean I am not saying Putin don’t deserve all of those, just think about what Putin did to China. But by saying CCP did not facilitate and enter into the war is not true) CCP was hoping US will eventually enter the war with Putin but made serial mistakes later on. What CCP could do is to let Obama order US politicians to go to a direct war with Putin as soon as possible. It’s Obama’s war anyway. If Obama don’t want to do it, then CCP has to ask itself can it hold justifiable reasons to continue this war and what does it want to achieve? And what are the chances? I am simply saying it seems Putin is now turning around and punishing CCP (e.g. Chip war, Taiwan strait tension, cold war or a direct confrontation with US…) CCP has to think about what it want to achieve here. It was Obama’s war anyway and China should never get involved at the first place. Now CCP is digging itself too deep into this war. If Obama don’t want to enter the war with Putin, then CCP basically has two choices: CCP will continue to push for the Ukraine to defeat Putin or CCP help to end this whole thing and hopefully Putin won’t come back and knock on its head and Ukraine still exists. But all those people were dead for what? I am just saying CCP did not win. As a matter of fact, CCP lost a lot during all this (cold war or a direct conflict with US, Taiwan Strait tension, Chip War and possibly a bad reputation).



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