基辛格幾天前在紀念裏根總統112 誕辰時有講話,提及到裏根總統冷戰時期的想法:以強大之物質和精神維護世界秩序,必要時動武

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At 99, Henry Kissinger talks about Ronald Reagan, peace and the Cold War


"Reagan knew America needed to be powerful in substance and mind to protect world order, by force if necessary," he said.



“President Reagan was an inveterate jester,” he said. “It was his way of making it clear he wasn’t taking himself too seriously.”

基辛格說: 裏根總統簡直就是一個無脊梁骨小醜,他從來不把自己當回事,這就是裏根總統的一貫作風。

He dubbed Reagan a "truth teller," praising his ability to convey messages. But he also said Reagan tried to reject his oft-used nickname of the "Great Communicator," contending the power of the words came not from him but from the essence of the country he was elected to lead.


At the end of his speech, Kissinger focused on the current affairs of the world. He cited the war in Ukraine, China’s ambitions and unrest in the Middle East. 在演講的最後,基辛格聚焦當下國際時事,烏克蘭戰爭,中國野心和動蕩的中東。

“At this point what we most need is another Ronald Reagan,” he said.

他說這個時代美國呼喚另一位唐納德. 裏根。


基辛格在裏根總統任內那時候的角色是兩黨美洲事物聯絡委員會主任 -悠遊感歎- 給 悠遊感歎 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/11/2023 postreply 22:23:46

Nixon? -BeLe- 給 BeLe 發送悄悄話 BeLe 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/11/2023 postreply 23:04:14

他在裏根時期不是安全顧問,在裏根時期時期也做過中美洲事物兩黨聯絡委員會主席。 -悠遊感歎- 給 悠遊感歎 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/11/2023 postreply 23:16:44

尼克鬆第一任時美國國家安全顧問,後擔任尼克鬆政府的國務卿, 從沒在裏根政府任職 -orleans- 給 orleans 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/12/2023 postreply 06:40:51



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