媒體報道美國聯邦政府雇員人心惶惶,紛紛修改job description 和performance review,消除與DEI 的聯係甚至可能聯想,以減少被馬斯克的政府效率部擊中而招裁員的機率,連policy 這詞都不敢用。他們擔心政府效率部用AI 搜取buzzword ,連金融部門雇員也要避用equity 和diversification,這本是他們的基本專業詞匯,不是隨便可以刪除的,好奇他們用什麽來代替。
CNN: employees may edit job descriptions for finance roles that use the words “equity” or “diversification,” even though they have nothing to do with DEI programs. The fear, the person said, is the incoming administration will attempt to cut anything with these buzzwords without looking closely at the context.