《經濟學人》(The Economist)報道(2014-12-21標題A BRUSH WITH POWER)在香港,宋朝卷軸的競標價達到了9500萬港元,但未能達到保留價格。或許將來一位私人買家可能會買下它。跨城而過的M+畫廊正在展出福建藝術家邱誌傑的作品,在視頻裝置中他複製了《蘭亭序》。他在一張宣紙上複製了一千遍。隨著邱先生的筆墨行進,文字變得難以辨認,“失去了意義和曆史價值”:這真是一個性格寫照。
"In Hong Kong bids for the Song-dynasty scroll reached HK$95m but it did not make its reserve price. A private buyer may nab it. Across the city the M+ gallery is showing the work of Qiu Zhijie, an artist from Fujian, replicating the Orchid Pavilion preface in a video installation. He copies it a thousand times on a single sheet of rice paper. As Mr Qiu’s brush progresses, the text becomes illegible, “losing meaning and historical significance”: a true character statement."