There is Always a Power that Makes us Burst into Tears

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回答: Chinese budu,zuihao geige yingyu photo. :))土豆-禾苗2024-10-15 17:53:54

It's the first day of the new year. This is the 777th time we have met with you. May the sun shine on your face.

The sun hits your face, and the warmth stays in our hearts. It's an ordinary day in winter. The leaves in the north have fallen, but the leaves in the south are still on the branches. People are walking leisurely or running in a hurry on the street. Everyone has their own hopes and everyone is holding on to their own concerns.

The last calendar of this century is being reduced page by page, and there is nothing that can easily impress people. Except truth. People have ideals but also illusions. People have been comforted and humiliated. People distrust others in the past and themselves now. Fortunately, time has made us deeply aware of the preciousness of "truth" - reality, real emotion, and truth. It allows us to escape the dangerous utopia of wandering in the empty air and recognize hypocrisy and deception. Although "reality" is sometimes embarrassing, a nation that dares to confront the truth is a mature nation, and a group of people that dares to confront the truth is a strong group of people.

Nothing can easily move people, except the trumpet of justice. When you face the vulnerable that have been wronged and helpless, when you face the domineering evil people, when you face social injustice that can ruin people's entire lives, you will understand how much justice costs and how much courage justice requires.

Nothing can easily move people, except the love in the heart. Nothing can easily impress people, except the pace of progress...

It's the first day of the new year, and just like every other day, we meet you again to appreciate the past year and prepare for the new one. May the sun shine on your face.

The sun hits your face, and the warmth stays in our hearts. There is a kind of power coming quietly from your fingertips; there is a kind of care gently emanating from your eyes. At this moment, we have nothing to say but blessings: let the powerless be strong, let the pessimists move forward, let those who are moving forward continue to move forward, and let the happy people be happier; and we will keep cheering for you.

We keep cheering for you. Because your hope is our hope, because your suffering is our suffering. We watched you lift the hoe, we watched you swing the sickle, we watched you sweat like rain, and we watched you fill the granary with grain. We see you displaced, we see you cry, we see you swim in the flood, we see you rebuild your home. We watch you being laid off, we watch you grit your teeth, we watch you weather the storm, we watch you smile... We watch you, and we keep cheering for you, because we are part of you.

Therefore, at this time, on the first day of the New Year, we want to say "Happy New Year" to you and everyone around you! May the sun shine on your face.

Because of you, we exist.

The sun hits your face, and the warmth stays in our hearts. Why we always have tears in our eyes, because we love deeply; why we are always full of energy, because we love deeply; why we are always seeking, because we love deeply. Love this country and its people, they are kind and upright, they know how to care for each other.

There is always a force that makes us burst into tears, there is always a force that cheers us up, and there is always a force that drives us to constantly seek "justice, love, and conscience." This power comes from you, from each and every one of you.
