看一篇關於 Wikipedia 政治偏向的 Wiki

- Wikipedia 似乎比 Encyclopedia Britanica 偏左;
- 文章修改次數越多,政治偏向越少。

所以 Wikipedia 作者在寫文章的時候,尤其是和政治有關的文章,不受自己個人立場的 bias 影響幾乎是不可能的事。有人的地方就有江湖:還是要靠多方修改,多方製約,才能達到一個相對的平衡。

Wikipedia 外麵的世界亦然。

(摘抄) Ideological bias on Wikipedia 

In a subsequent study, the same researchers compared about 4,000 Wikipedia articles related to U.S. politics (written by an online community) with the corresponding articles in Encyclopædia Britannica (written by experts) using similar methods as their 2010 study to measure "slant" (Democratic vs. Republican) and to quantify the degree of bias. The authors found that "Wikipedia articles are more slanted towards Democratic views than are Britannica articles, as well as more biased", particularly those focusing on civil rights, corporations, and government. Entries about immigration trended toward Republican. They further found that "[t]he difference in bias between a pair of articles decreases with more revisions" and, when articles were substantially revised, the difference in bias compared to Britannica was statistically negligible. The implication, per the authors, is that "many contributions are needed to reduce considerable bias and slant to something close to neutral"
