
來源: 文革傳人 2024-07-22 23:35:27 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1032 bytes)

讓大腦複原一下再往下寫,^_^。(三分鍾以後),"The RN's program is a Marxist program, purely and simply Marxist.”,WTF,“不是我不明白,這世界變化快”。給古紙兄講個新段子,(文革版)。話說美國的選舉是兩位不被待見的老人之爭,American people hate this election.......

Suddenly, one of the two old men dropped out, it became an election of one old man against another young person’s race.  The race is shifting, in the young person’s favor, as anyone can tell.  The remaining old man still in the race is struggling in a big way, he could not sleep.  Suddenly, he realized that if he, the only remaining old man, also drops out, the advantage of the new young person will be gone.

What a genius Idea!

“I will tell the world I am dropping out as well, when I wake up tomorrow morning”.


