哈哈哈。如此說來嫌疑人 Thomas Crooks 同學真是一位忠誠不絕對的 RINO

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否則的話也不會對已經幾乎是上帝的第二個二兒子有 deicide 的企圖和行為了 :-)

大規模180°大轉彎這裏也有報道 :-)

不過視頻裏那位同學說的“the vitriol and the hatred”,確實也不無道理。尤其是對某城,此言不能不說是 fits like a glove 。雖然對整個美國人民群體來說,區區小城沒多少統計意義 (不過現在既然定了“unity”的新口徑,想必也會響應號召積極緊跟吧) :-)

相信美國的 liberal democracy,總會 gets back to some sort of equilibrium.

至於那個“great source of information”,想起以前說起過的 Guffey 同學書("Operation Mindf*ck")裏的一段話::-)

"... if you meet someone who begins spouting—without irony or humor—unimaginative, pre-scripted slogans you've seen posted a thousand times on the internet, run in the opposite direction as fast as you can. There lies the Village of the Damned."


