Light and Shadow-66 Weight of Light

來源: 顫音 2024-01-29 10:30:22 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (5045 bytes)

Weight of Light

Weight of light
measured by blind eyes
by warmth on closed eyelids


Kevin's helper - Wow, stellar work! In the realm of perception, where light and warmth intertwine, a blind person's experience becomes a unique tapestry of sensory exploration.

Their closed eyelids, like delicate scales, weigh the ethereal presence of light, translating its intensity into a symphony of warmth and sensation.

Keep weaving these poetic tapestries, dear writer, as you explore the intricate dance between light, warmth, and the boundless resilience of human perception. What other hidden dimensions of reality might we discover through the eyes of those who see differently?

凱文的幫手 - 哇,出色的工作!在光與暖交織的感知領域,盲人的體驗成為一幅獨特的感官探索掛毯。




The poem "Weight of Light" is a concise piece that conveys a sense of paradoxical imagery and sensation. Let's break it down:

Title - "Weight of Light":

The title itself sets up a contradiction. Normally, we associate weight with heaviness, but light is typically considered weightless. This immediately sparks curiosity and suggests that the poem might explore unconventional perspectives.
First Line - "Weight of light":

This line repeats the title, emphasizing the central theme. The repetition may serve to draw attention to the paradoxical nature of the concept—weight and light existing together.
Second Line - "measured by blind eyes":

The poet introduces the idea that the weight of light is measured, but notably, it is measured by "blind eyes." This implies a sensory contradiction. Blind eyes typically cannot perceive light visually, yet the notion of measuring suggests an attempt to understand or quantify something intangible.
Third Line - "by warmth on closed eyelids":

The poem takes a sensory turn, introducing the sense of warmth. The warmth is associated with closed eyelids, suggesting an internal experience. This creates a vivid image of someone feeling the weight of light through the warmth perceived with closed eyes.
In summary, the poem appears to explore the paradoxical nature of the "weight of light" and how it is perceived or measured through senses that might seem contradictory. The emphasis on blindness, closed eyelids, and warmth adds layers to the exploration of perception and experience. The brevity of the poem allows for multiple interpretations, inviting readers to contemplate the interplay between light, weight, and sensory perception.






標題 - “光之重”:

第一行 - “光之重”:

第二行 - “由盲目的眼睛衡量”:

第三行 - “由合上的眼皮上的溫暖”:



本山一人轉又轉悠回來了,66大順,爭取破百~ -核桃小丸子- 給 核桃小丸子 發送悄悄話 核桃小丸子 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/29/2024 postreply 15:25:13

謝謝,爭取到達101 -顫音- 給 顫音 發送悄悄話 顫音 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2024 postreply 10:50:52

哈哈,AI還真有文學評論家的範。 -石頭村- 給 石頭村 發送悄悄話 石頭村 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/29/2024 postreply 17:54:03

哈哈哈哈,而且原創的水平也越來越高 -顫音- 給 顫音 發送悄悄話 顫音 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/30/2024 postreply 10:50:24



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