Bret Stephens 去烏克蘭四天後寫的一篇感想,紐時文章鏈接


Opinion | What I Learned in Ukraine - The New York Times (


“I learned that Ukrainians aren’t likely to trade sovereign territory for Western security assurances, much less for some kind of armistice deal with Moscow. They tried the former in the 1990s with the Budapest Memorandum, in which they surrendered the nuclear arsenal on their soil to Russia for the sake of toothless guarantees of territorial integrity. They tried the latter with the equally toothless Minsk agreements after Russia’s first invasion in 2014. The goal of Western policy should be to provide Ukraine with the military means they need to win, rather than to pressure Ukraine into again bargaining away its rights to sovereignty and security for the sake of assuaging our anxieties about Russian escalation.”

Bret 小夥說在從波蘭去 Kyiv 的火車上,車廂門內掛著一個招牌,上書““Be Brave Like Ukraine.”

