In my clinic, I can order Paxlovid, if symptoms onset≤5Ds但是,

本帖於 2022-03-17 17:52:14 時間, 由普通用戶 醜小丫丫 編輯


But, we weren’t able to find a pharmacy in our area recently that had the medication… eventually we just saw less COVID and more flu;(Paxlovid is for outpatient use) ;  我不用Molnupiravir,一是副作用大二是效果不理想!

The FDA authorized the emergency use of PAXLOVID for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in adults and children [12 years of age and older weighing at least 88 pounds (40 kg)] with a positive test for the virus that causes COVID-19, and who are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death, under an EUA(FDA,2022)


Therapeutic Management of Nonhospitalized Adults With COVID-19:


就目前來說,my most patients admitted to hospital duo to other medical conditions, not covid caused hospitalization ! The more recent hospitalized patients with covid are non-COVID-19 admissions; 而且幾乎無症狀。抗病毒隻在感染初期有點效果。


我建議我比較親近的朋友,如果沒有underlying disease/comorbidity with mild Covid symptoms, 除了症狀管理外,建議低劑量抗血栓藥如 aspirin; Vc抗氧自由基治療劑量為2000mg(或者AirborneVc3-6 /day),Ve為1000IU,平時保健劑量Vc 500mg & Ve 100mg。早期最好24-72小時內,可服用抗病毒藥。適量補鋅/Vd,強烈建議補鋅,成人每天補到30毫克,小孩按安全劑量補。太輕症病人基本不需要用藥,就能平安度過。平實保健抗炎症Turmeric 400-700 mg/BID (我平時保健用Krill oil & turmeric)。也可以保健補充probiotic/Kefir.  Prone positioning 幫助有效呼吸。多飲水多休息。如果咳嗽厲害,咽喉疼痛,到PCP那兒開Azithromycin 預防secondary bacterial infection。

(服用泰諾(Tylenol), 布諾芬(ibuprofens)類的藥物降燒,止痛(如果沒有使用禁忌症)Robitussin or Mucinex for cough




這是我們PCP關於Paxlovid 的:



