
本文內容已被 [ 慕容青草 ] 在 2020-07-12 19:37:00 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.







下麵是我在兩年前完成但一直被主流出版界封殺(即拒絕發表)的英文小說“The  Red Hat”(紅帽子)中的一段對話:


“But I still could spread the news about AHs to the world. I am sure the public would listen to me,” John’s face turned red because of excitement.

“Well, people have talked about the so-called Unidentified Flying Objects for more than a century, even some top guns came out to tell their stories about UFO.” Bob questioned, “But how many people are really taking it seriously, even though most people might be interested in the topic?”

“AHs are not like UFOs. AHs are for real,” John argued.

“See, you are now denying the reality of UFOs although many more people have claimed seeing UFOs than seeing AHs so far,” Bob sighed. “You know what? I even think they want you to tell the story of AHs to the public, and a lot of UFOs stories in the past might have also been released as rumors on purpose.”

“Why should they do that?” John sounded very confused.

“It’s simple. They know that someday they might have to announce the truth to the public. So instead of causing a sudden shock to the public, they might prefer having someone who could be characterized as lunatic or morally uncountable to leak the story out first,” Bob explained.

“What can they gain by doing that?” John questioned.

“They could create such an effect that people are familiar with the buzz words about the issues so that in case it becomes obvious to the public someday in the future, people won’t overreact; but meanwhile, they don’t need to risk any social upset at this moment,” Bob explained.







“ AH與UFO不同。 AH是真的。” 約翰爭辯道。

“瞧,你已經開始否認UFO的真實性了。。。盡管到目前為止,聲稱見過UFO的人遠多於見過AH的人,”鮑勃歎了口氣。 “你知道嗎?我甚至認為他們希望你向公眾講述AH的故事,過去的許多UFO故事也可能是故意以謠言的形式發布的。”













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