天注定 批判現實主義。

回答: 說說影片“天注定”高路遠2014-03-23 20:40:05

天注定 批判現實主義。
Raising a question is much easier than finding a solution.  The first story is modified from the original fact...  Let's assume they are all true, then what? 

Just like what Greenspan said "no matter what they called it, China is doing capitalism."  This is totally opposite what China did before 1979.  After 30 years, the modern development has been so big and no one can ignore this fact.  However Mao original question is still valid, that is if China, the country which has so big population with so limited resource, can run capitalism without eventually breaking out a revolution.  His anwer was NO.  

It is a hard question....
