Yo Dude, so you want me to rant in English? Delighted to do so,

My point is , every overseas Chinese immigrant clings to his roots, intentionally or not. It is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is also the major obstacle that prevents them from integrating into the mainstream culture.
Culture, is what I am focusinig on.
There are some who consider themselves already whitewashed, or claim to be a Banana,meaning that they only look like a Chinese. But the sad truth is, no matter how hard they have tried to whitewash themselves, there is always a glass wall between them and their western peers. They may not even be able to speak any Chinese, yet they could only hang out with the same Bananas. Like whitewashing, the coating is shallow and easily peeled off.
The real cultural integration never happened.
The so called "multiculturism" only takes place at the restaurant level: some white guys could handle chopsticks, while some Chinese can now spell Tiramisu correctly!
I have come across quite a few Bananas whose Chinese is getting more and more fluent, and their craving for Chinese dim sum is growing stronger and stronger.
Does this ring a bell, Dude?
