★ Le premier patineur à avoir réussi la combinaison quadruple-double boucle piquée:Elvis Stojko
★ First man to land a quadruple jump in combination: Elvis Stojko
1492 : Christophe Colomb
1492: Conquest of Paradise • Vangelis HD
四十集紀錄片 《國殤:中日戰爭正麵戰場紀實》選用了電影《1492年:克裏斯托弗·哥倫布》的主題曲
Elvis Stojko 1996 World Championship with 1492: Conquest of Paradise
Il est le premier patineur à avoir réussi la combinaison quadruple-double boucle piquée (Championnats du monde 1991) et le quadruple-triple boucle piquée (Finale de la série des champions 1997).
- First man to land a quadruple jump in combination (quadruple toe-loop, double toe-loop): 1991 World Championships
- First man to land a quadruple/triple jump combination (quadruple toe-loop, triple toe-loop): 1997 Grand Prix Final
"He's such a focused individual... able to push them aside... maintain a positive atitude... have a clear vision... in pressure situation like this..."
Stojko was born in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada to a Hungarian mother and Slovenian father and was named him after Elvis Presley, of whom his parents were fans.[1] His father arrived in Canada on a boat in 1955 and his mother, Irenee, escaped through the Soviet Invasion in 1956. Stojko grew up in Richmond Hill, Ontario.
世界上第一個完成四周接二周後外點冰跳的英雄:Elvis Stojko,是在加拿大出生的加拿大公民,他的名字帶有Elvis Presley的影響,因為他的父母是Elvis Presley的粉絲。他的母親,匈牙利人,就是在1956年蘇軍入侵匈牙利時逃出,逃到加拿大的;父親,斯洛伐尼亞人,是在1955年搭船去的加拿大。Elvis Stojko的成就,這也可看作是匈牙利十月事件所產生的蝴蝶效應。小雨在寫作過程中的這個無意的發現,卻也發人深省。。。