★ Nobel är En Idealist

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★ Nobel är En Idealist

★ Nobel Is An Idealist

★ 諾貝爾是一位理想主義者

Alfred Nobel, Copyright © The Nobel Foundation

The Will

On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris. When it was opened and read after his death, the will caused a lot of controversy both in Sweden and internationally, as Nobel had left much of his wealth for the establishment of a prize! His family opposed the establishment of the Nobel Prize, and the prize awarders he named refused to do what he had requested in his will. It was five years before the first Nobel Prize could be awarded in 1901.




en del den som inom litteraturen har producerat det utmärktaste i idealisk rigtning; och en del åt den som har verkat mest eller best för folkens förbrödrande och afskaffande eller minskning af stående armeer samt bildande och spridande af fredskongresser.

one part to the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction; and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.




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• ★ Nobel Is An Idealist -star-sun-給 star-sun 發送悄悄話 star-sun 的博客首頁 star-sun 的個人群組 (163 bytes) (9 reads) 12/2/12 09:44:10
• ★ 諾貝爾是一位理想主義者 -star-sun-給 star-sun 發送悄悄話 star-sun 的博客首頁 star-sun 的個人群組 (107 bytes) (10 reads) 12/2/12 09:44:33
• No doubt. -viewfinder-給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 viewfinder 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 12/2/12
  • 是啊,“ideal”,一詞定乾坤,這就是文字的力量。 很想知道諾貝爾在寫下“i -star-sun-給 star-sun 發送悄悄話 star-sun 的博客首頁 star-sun 的個人群組 (169 bytes) (7 reads) 12/3/12
    • 看過一個傳記篇,據說,有兩個人影響了他的決定 -viewfinder-給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 viewfinder 的個人群組 (145 bytes) (9 reads) 12/3/12
      • 能否披露一下傳記篇/傳記片的出處呢?謝謝 -star-sun-給 star-sun 發送悄悄話 star-sun 的博客首頁 star-sun 的個人群組 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 12/4/12
        • 是傳記片,電視上看的。有關信息wiki上也有。 -viewfinder-給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 viewfinder 的個人群組 (1747 bytes) (3 reads) 12/4/12
          • 這是思索“空間”,很想知道諾貝爾下筆“ideal”一詞之前的思索“時間”是多少? -star-sun-給 star-sun 發送悄悄話 star-sun 的博客首頁 star-sun 的個人群組 (371 bytes) (0 reads) 12/5/12




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    ★ Nobel Is An Idealist (2012-12-04 18:23:07) -star-sun- 給 star-sun 發送悄悄話 star-sun 的博客首頁 (167 bytes) () 12/04/2012 postreply 18:26:04

    ★ 諾貝爾是一位理想主義者(2012-12-04 18:23:07更新版) -star-sun- 給 star-sun 發送悄悄話 star-sun 的博客首頁 (167 bytes) () 12/04/2012 postreply 18:27:29



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