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回答: 是誰害死了喬布思?安貝兒2011-10-13 13:28:37

喬布斯得的islet-cell tumor是比較少見的一種,相對來說是溫和型的,不少患者得了以後還能活好幾十年,甚至得以盡天年,最後以其他疾病去世。小喬開始不想立刻手術,也許也是想賭一把。應該說從純概率上,他的勝算本來是不小的,但他比較倒黴。



Did Delaying Surgery Hurt Jobs’ Chances of Surviving Pancreatic Cancer?

Once it was clear that Jobs had the rare islet-cell pancreatic cancer, there was an excellent chance of a cure. According to Cleveland Clinic gastroenterologist Maged Rizk, MD, there’s an overall 80% to 90% chance of 5-year survival. In the world of cancer survival, that’s a huge milestone.

“I don’t think waiting nine months for surgery was a bad decision,” Rizk tells WebMD. “Especially if it is limited disease, especially if it is an islet-cell tumor and the cells are [typical of early cancer], and as long as you don’t have symptoms, you can sit on it a bit.”

So why wasn’t Jobs cured? “He was unlucky,” Rizk says.
