世界上最辛苦勞作的母親 (圖)

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my painting


(TheHardest-Working Mom On The Planet)


by Robert Krulwich



This is egg laying season,if you're a bird.

If you're an octopus,particularly a giant Pacific octopus, you've been there, done that. In fact,you died doing it, in what is the saddest mommy story I've heard in a longwhile. It comes from biologist Jim Cosgrove who describes it all in a lecturehe calls, "No Mother Could Give More."




We begin with a pregnantoctopus. She's been that way for four or five months, carrying the eggs insideher body until one day, in mid winter, when the water temperature is right, shestarts expelling her eggs, one by one, into the water. She will produce (andthis will take her a month or so) about 56,000 individuals, who float freeuntil she gathers them into groups, then stitches them into hanging braids,like a bead curtain in a Chinese restaurant.

This is her octopus"den." It's usually an underwater cave, protected by rocks that she'sput at the entrance to keep hungry crabs, sea stars and fish from getting tooclose. She's glued about 170 braids to the roof and there she sits, often rightunder the babies. "Each egg," says Cosgrove, "is a gleamingwhite tear-drop about the size of a grain of rice." Months pass. All thistime, the mother is constantly on guard.

這是她的章魚“獸穴”。通常它是一個水下洞穴,被那些她放在入口處來阻擋饑餓螃蟹進入的石塊保護著。在完成將大約170個”辮子“粘附在洞穴頂上後,她通常會在她寶寶的下方坐下。”“每個卵,” 科斯格羅夫說,“都是一隱約閃爍微光,大概米粒大小的白色淚珠。”幾個月過去。在這段時間內,章魚母親一直在警戒狀態。

As described by WendyWilliams in her new book Kraken, the mother spends five, six months protectingher 56,000 children:


She constantly waves herarms gently over the plaits of eggs, making sure that nothing harmful settleson them. With her siphon, she blows water gently over them to keep themaerated...she uses her arms to keep potential predators away from the eggs, andas far away from the den as possible...she normally does not leave the den atany time.


Throughout this whole periodof more than half a year, she never eats...All of the energy in her body isslowly consumed by her work until, by the time the offspring emerge, she hasnearly starved to death.


Then one night, though sheis weaker, smaller, and says Cosgrove, "her once brick-red color is now adeathly gray and her skin shows signs of decay," her breath now coming in"sporadic gasps," she repositions herself and blows all of her babiesout of the den into the open water. It's essential that she use her siphon toblow them free, and once they detach, the babies know exactly what do to, saysCosgrove:

有 一天晚上,她已經變得虛弱,更小,“她那曾經的磚紅色現已變成死氣沉沉的灰色,並且她的皮膚呈現著衰退的跡象。“據科斯格羅夫說,並且她的呼吸現已是零碎斷續的。但是她重新挪動了自己並將 她的寶寶吹出洞穴,直到浮在那開闊的水域。她用她的虹吸管將他們吹離,使其自由——這很是重要。一旦他們分離開來,這些章魚寶寶很清楚該做什麽。科斯格洛 夫說:

The babies are spectacular.Measuring 6 mm and weighing just 0.029 grams, they are perfect miniatures oftheir parents. They have 8 tiny arms adorned with suckers. They can changecolors instantly and can even produce a miniature puff of ink when they aredisturbed.

“這些寶寶棒極了。雖然身長6毫米, 體重0.029克,他們是他們父母完美的縮小版。他們有8隻帶著小吸口的小觸手。他們能迅速改變顏色並且甚至能在他們受擾時製造一陣小規模的墨跡噴發。

But the mom is nearexhaustion. She hasn't eaten for so long (probably because food could attractpredators, or because debris from eating could bring parasites near the eggs),she keeps gently blowing water over the babies, pushing them from the den foras long as she can until she herself floats free and sometimes, only two orthree meters from the den opening, she stops breathing...and dies.


Her babies? They go straightto the ocean surface, feed there, grow; some will descend deeper into the oceanwhere they will dodge jelly fish, sharks, blue whales and hope to survive. Howmany of 56,000 babies make it to adulthood, where they become the largestoctopuses in the world?

It took two octopuses, amale and a female, to make the 56,000 eggs. On average, says Cosgrove, theyield is "stable," meaning that the two parents will be replaced bytwo children. Out of 56,000, after so many months, so much sacrifice, so muchcare, after all that, mom's "yield" is...just two.




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    人類母親和父親可能更苦,要養活孩子近二十年或更多 -viewfinder- 給 viewfinder 發送悄悄話 viewfinder 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/24/2011 postreply 07:52:07

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