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By Lisa Abend / Madrid Friday, Mar. 18, 2011

作者:Lisa Abend / Madrid  2011 3 18 日,星期五

A priest blesses children in the village of Castrillo de Murcia in Spain on June 6, 2010

It has been four decades since Pilar Maroto lost her newborn son, but tears still fill her eyes when she speaks of him. She perfectly remembers the moments after his birth in April 1972, when she heard his first cry and then, later, the sudden, devastating news that her little boy had died. On Tuesday, she stood outside Spain's Congress of Deputies and hoped that, finally, someone in power would take seriously her insistence that her baby didn't actually die on that day — instead, he was stolen by the hospital where she delivered him.

Pilar Maroto 失去她的新生兒至今已有四十年之久,但是每當她說起自己的兒子,眼中依然飽含淚水。她清晰地記得 1972 4 月兒子出生後的那一刻,當她聽到孩子的第一聲啼哭,之後,突然被告之她的兒子夭折了,瞬間五雷轟頂。星期二,她站在西班牙眾議院外,希望當權者最終能認真傾聽她的主張,即她的孩子那天並未身亡,實際上是她分娩的所在醫院偷走了她的孩子。

Rumors of widespread, organized efforts to steal newborns from their parents have circulated in Spain for decades. But it was only on March 15 when those who believe themselves to be victims of the crime had their first opportunity to tell their stories to the Spanish government. Their testimony, given in an attempt to persuade Spain's legislature to pass a law that would both help those who have had their babies taken from them and make it easier to prosecute perpetrators, is accompanied by legal cases that have, after years of effort, recently been admitted to the regional courts for investigation. Finally, it seems, Spain is ready to confront a horrifying aspect of its recent past.

風聲四起,有傳聞有組織地從父母處偷走新生兒已在西班牙盛行了數十年。但是正是在 3 15 日, 堅信是竊嬰案受害者的民眾向西班牙政府訴說了來龍去脈。他們的證詞隨附法律案件,旨在說服西班牙立法機關通過一部能幫助嬰兒被竊的當事人且簡化起訴罪犯流 程的法律,而且隨附的法律案件則是經過數年努力,於近日獲得當地法院予以調查的批準。最終,西班牙似乎已準備麵對其不堪回首的過往。

There appear to be two distinct phases of baby theft that occurred in Spain during the 20th century. The first, which was not only approved by dictator Francisco Franco but also promoted by his government as a means of "improving" the Spanish "race," was politically inspired. In the years after Franco won Spain's civil war, he had tens of thousands of former Republicans and other dissidents arrested. The small children of imprisoned women dissidents were sent first to state-run centers or convents, and then reassigned to families whose values better coincided with the regime's. "The state considered these children in need of re-education," says University of Barcelona historian Ricard Vinyes, who has written a book on the subject. "It was actually proud of these efforts and would publish the results of how many children had been 'welcomed' annually."

20 世紀西班牙發生的竊嬰事件似乎分為截然不同的兩個階段。第一個階段:竊嬰事件不僅獲得獨裁者 Francisco Franco 批準,同時也是得到政府擁護,作為一種“改良”西班牙“種族”,是受當時政治的影響。Franco 贏得西班牙內戰後,抓捕了上萬前名共和黨人以及其他持不同政見的民眾。關押的持不同政見的女性的小孩首先被送往國立中心或修道院,然後被分配到與政權價值觀一致的家庭中。“國家認為這些孩子需要接受再教育,”巴塞羅那大學曆史學家 Ricard Vinyes(曾就此話題著書)說道,“實際上當時為這種努力甚感自豪,每年公布有多少兒童‘回歸’。

Based on the documentation he has uncovered, Vinyes estimates that tens of thousands of children were taken from their parents during a campaign that lasted until the end of the 1940s. In many cases, they were never recovered. "The state allowed these children to change their names, making it harder for them to be located," he says. "And they were brought up being taught that their parents were murderers, so many had no desire to find them."

根據他揭露的文獻資料顯示,Vinyes 估計上千兒童在那場運動中被迫離開了自己的父母,那場運動持續到 20 世紀 40 年代末期。許多案例中,他們並未得到補償。“國家允許這些兒童改名換姓,這使尋找他們變得異常艱難,”他說,“他們成長過程中一直被灌輸著一種理念:他們的父母是殺人犯,因此許多人也不願意去尋找自己的生身父母。

As the regime became both less virulent about persecuting its enemies and more open to the outside world, the wave of politically motivated thefts receded — but then a new form of baby stealing emerged. In what appear to be thousands of cases throughout Spain, individual doctors and nurses — many of the latter nuns — took newborns from obstetric wards and sold them to prospective adopted parents. That's the claim by victims who, in many cases, can support their theory with death certificates that have clearly been falsified or cemetery documents that contradict what parents were told at the supposed time of death.

隨 著政權減弱對於政敵的惡毒迫害,且對於外麵的世界越來越開放,政治性誘發的竊嬰案件大潮開始減退,然而新一輪的竊嬰案件再次出現。西班牙發生了近千起此類 案件,私人醫生和護士(後者多為修女)從婦產科病房抱走新生兒,並販賣給想要收養孩子的父母。這是受害者提出的說法,在許多案件中,受害人可以通過死亡證 明來支持自己的理論,因為那些死亡證明顯然係偽造文件或僅為墓地文件,這在可能的死亡時間告之受害父母的說法相悖。

Mar Soriano believes her elder sister was one of the stolen children. On Tuesday, she told a commission of legislators how her mother delivered an apparently healthy baby girl on Jan. 3, 1964, at a hospital in Madrid. Later that day, however, her parents were told the child had died, and when her father went to claim his daughter's body, he was told she had already been buried in a mass grave at the Almudena cemetery. "They said she had died of an ear infection," Soriano testified. "Along with Beatriz, there were 10 other children born in the same hospital and during the same month whose cause of death was listed as ear infection." In total, 37 newborns supposedly died at that hospital during January 1964.

Mar Soriano 相信她的姐姐就是被竊嬰兒中的一員。星期二她告訴立法者委員會她母親於 1964 1 3 日在馬德裏的一家醫院裏產下一名顯然很健康的女嬰。然而在那天晚些時候,她的父母被告之孩子已經死亡,同時當她的父親前去索要女兒遺體的時候,被告之已在雅慕黛娜聖母(Almudena)公墓中入土為安。“他們說我姐姐已死於耳道感染,”Soriano 證明。“跟 Beatriz 一起在同一家醫院誕生的還有 10 名兒童,同月均死於耳道感染。”1964 1 月這家醫院總共估計有 37 名新生兒死亡。

Soriano's story is remarkably similar to that of the 1,000 or so people — parents who believe their babies were taken from them, and men and women who believe their siblings or they themselves were stolen — who have joined a suit recently filed in Valencia's provincial court. In each case, the woman gave birth to what she believed to be a healthy child, only to later be told that the infant had died and that it was impossible to see the body. Those babies were then allegedly sold to couples who paid, on average, the equivalent of $8,000. And the people accused of doing the selling are in many cases the very doctors and nurses who had delivered the babies. This is according to testimony given to lawyers and journalists by people who unwittingly bought the babies — many were told the charges were to cover the mother's expenses.

Soriano 的經曆和其他 1,000 名 左右的受害者的經曆極為相似,其中有堅信自己的孩子是被抱走的父母,也有堅信自己的兄弟姐妹或自己本人就是被偷走的男士和女士,他們最近參加了巴倫西亞省 法院收錄的一起訴訟。每個案件中,女性產下自認為健康的嬰兒,但不久被告之嬰兒已經死亡,而且沒有機會再見到孩子遺體一麵。這些嬰兒據說被賣給了已支付平 均約為 $8,000 的夫婦。人們指控販賣嬰兒的大多數正是當時負責分娩的醫生和護士。這是在不知情的情況下購買嬰兒的民眾提供給律師和記者的證詞,他們中的多數人被告之該收費是用於補償母親的費用。

"There was no longer any legal cover for what they were doing," says lawyer Enrique Vila, who, in the Valencia case, is representing Anadir, an association of parents and children who believe they were the unwitting victims of these thefts. "But some doctors, priests and nuns realized that there were economic benefits to the practice."

“他們的所作所為不再受到法律的庇護,”律師 Enrique Vila(在巴倫西亞案件中 Anadir 的代理人,Anadir 是一個由堅信自己在不經意間成為竊嬰案受害者的父母和孩子組成的團體)說道,“但是一些醫生、牧師和修女意識到這是為診所帶來經濟利益的機會。

Economic and, it seems, spiritual. Many of the women who believe their children were stolen were unmarried at the time, a shocking breach of social norms during the strict years of the Catholic Franco regime. Journalist Natalia Junquera has been investigating the cases for a series that the national newspaper El País is publishing this month. "From what I've seen, the most important motive was ideological," she says. "Nuns and priests who simply decided that the child would be better off with families they trusted than with the ones to which they had been born." The thefts are believed to have continued into the early 1980s.

經濟上的,同事似乎還有精神層麵的。許多堅信自己的孩子是被偷走的女性當時都是未婚,在 Catholic Franco 執政的嚴格年代中這是一種驚世駭俗的違反社會道德的行為。記者 Natalia Junquera 一直在為本月出版的國家新聞報紙《El País》對於此案的係列報道做調查。“依我所見,最重要的動機源於意識,”她說,“修女和牧師隻是覺得這些孩子在他們所信任的家庭成長比他們的生身父母更好。”普遍認為竊嬰案一直持續到 20 世紀 80 年代早期。

So far, according to Anadir, only one mother-child pair has been reunited. A woman, born in 1971 and believing herself to have been adopted, joined the association in the hopes of simply locating her biological parents. When Anadir ran her information through its database, it discovered overlapping details with an older woman. According to Anadir, DNA testing confirmed that they were mother and daughter, though the elder woman had been told her child had died in the Barcelona hospital where she was delivered. Both women have kept their identities secret.

根據 Anadir 所述,至今隻有一對母女重新團員。該名女性生於 1971 年,堅信自己是被收養的,她加入了該團體,隻希望自己的生身父母。Anadir 將她的資料與數據庫中的信息核對後,發現與一位老婦人的數據吻合。根據 Anadir 調查,DNA 測試已驗證了他們的確就是母女,盡快這位老婦人當時被告之她的孩子已在她分娩的巴塞羅那醫院死亡。兩位女性均保密身份。


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