記得中學的暑假,翻讀父親的一本有關歐美文學百科全書,有一篇專門介紹英國女作家勃朗特三姐妹,Charlotte Bronte(夏洛蒂·勃朗特)以小說Jane Eyre(《簡·愛》)而聞名於世;《呼嘯山莊》是艾米莉·勃朗特的經典作品;小妹Anne Bronte安妮·勃朗特創作了小說《阿格尼斯·格雷》。先後讀了《簡·愛》與《呼嘯山莊》的中英文縮寫版。到美國後,曾經讀過關於勃朗特一家的傳記。不久前在圖書館為孩子們借書時,無意中看到書架上的英文原版小說"Jane Eyre"《簡愛》,想著愛書的女兒霏也許會喜歡讀,遂借了來。幾周來我們母女一起閱讀,茶餘飯後也談論書中的人物。
簡對海倫道:“我以為,海倫,我盡可能做事去取悅別人,而別人卻一如既往地不喜歡我,對這樣的人,我很反感。對我處罰不公的人,我必須反抗。正如我愛那些對我好的人,也心甘情願地接受我當受的懲罰。”("But I feel this, Helen: I must dislike those who, whatever I do to please them, persist in disliking me; I must resist those who punish me unjustly. It is as natural as that I should love those who show me affection, or submit to punishment when I feel it is deserved.")
海倫回答:“暴力不是解決仇恨的最好方法--複仇也不是治愈傷痕的最好途徑。”("It is not violence that best overcomes hate - nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury.")
簡問:“那麽什麽可以呢?”("What then?")
海倫道:“讀《聖經新約》,看基督是如何說,如何做的 - 讓他的言行成為你的法則,他的作為成為你的榜樣。”("Read the New Testament, and observe what Christ says, and how he acts - make his word your rule, and his conduct your example.")
簡問:“他怎麽說?”"What does he say?"
“愛你的敵人;保佑那些詛咒你的;對恨你、惡毒地利用你的人做好事。”"Love your enemies; bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you and despitefully use you."(Bronte "Volume I" 69-70)
“你難道以為,我會留下來成為對你無足輕重的人嗎?你以為我是一台機器 - 毫無感情的機器?能容忍他人把一口麵包從我嘴邊奪走,把我的那滴生命活水從我杯子裏倒翻?你以為,我貧窮、無名、樸素、瘦小,就沒有靈魂和心腸嗎?你想錯了!- 我的靈魂與你一樣豐富,我的心胸與你一樣寬廣!若上帝恩賜予我一些美貌和豐厚的財富,我會讓你同我一般難舍難分。我不是依照風俗、常規,也不是憑著血肉之軀同你交談,而是我的靈魂與你的靈魂交談;正如我們穿過墳墓,站在上帝的腳下,完全平等 - 本來就是如此!("Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton? - a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of bread snatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? - You think wrong! - I have as much soul as you, - and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: -- it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal, - as we are!" Bronte "Volume II" 17-18)
“聖誕的霜凍在仲夏降臨;十二月的白色風暴在六月裏便刮得天旋地轉;冰淩包裹了成熟的蘋果;積雪摧毀了風中的玫瑰;幹草和玉米地裏覆蓋著一層冰席;昨夜還鮮花盛開的小巷,今日積雪已然封住了道路;還有那森林,十二小時之前還枝繁葉茂、清香漫溢猶如熱帶樹叢,如今,白茫茫一片荒蕪,猶如挪威的冬日鬆林,我的希望全然破滅了――受到了微妙致命的一擊,就像埃及的長子一夜之間所受到的一樣。1”("A Christmas frost had come at midsummer; a white December storm had whirled over June; ice glazed the ripe apples, drifts crushed the blowing roses; on hayfield and cornfield lay a frozen shroud: lanes which last night blushed full of flowers, to-day were pathless with untrodden snow; and the woods, which twelve hours since waved leafy and fragrant as groves between the tropics, now spread, waste, wild, and white as pine-forests in wintry Norway. My hopes were all dead - struck with a subtle doom, such as, in one night, fell on all the first-born in the land of Egypt."Bronte "Volume II" 74)
“親切的讀者,但願你從來沒有感受過我當時的心情!但願你眼睛從未如我那般淚如湧泉,掉落了那麽多灼熱揪心的淚水。願你從來不必像我當時那般絕望而痛苦的祈禱,祈求上帝幫助。 願你永遠不必像我那樣擔憂,會給你全身心愛著的人帶來災禍。”"Gentle reader, may you never feel what I then felt! May your eyes never shed such stormy, scalding, heart-wrung tears as poured from mine. May you never appeal to Heaven in prayers so hopeless and so agonized as in that hour left my lips: for never may you, like me, dread to be the instrument of evil to what you wholly love."Bronte "Volume II" 109)
注1:“埃及的長子一夜之間所受到的一樣”出自《聖經》舊約典故《出埃及記》第一到第二章節(Exodus 1-2)
References 參考:
Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. EveryMan's Library Company, 1991