
賽斯名言精選 (摘自中國新時代網 http://www.newage.net.cn/ )001.Conciousness is Like a Flower with many Petals. --Seth's first message to this world. Seth, "Seth Material".意識就像一朵有著許多花瓣的花朵。——賽斯帶給這個世界的第一個訊息002.I come here because it is fun. I have fun when I come here. I do not come here because I feel that I have any great responsibility for your beings or welfare. Who am I to set myself against the innate wisdom of your own individual being, or to take upon my invisible shoulders the great privilege or joyful responsibility for your behavior and destiny? 我來此是出於樂趣。我來到這裏是享受樂趣。我來這兒不是因為我覺得對你們的存在或福祉負有多大的責任。如果我讓自己來對抗你們自己個體存在的天生智慧,或者將你們的行為和命叩木藪蟮奶貦嗷蚩鞓返呢熑渭又T自己無形的肩頭,那我成什麼人了?003.There is so much to be said here, and you have so much to learn, that sometimes I have to admit that I appalled. - Seth (Session 19 Jan.17/64)在這兒我有很多話要說,而你們也有很多東西要學,有時我不得不承認自己也嚇了一跳。*******************004.As in your terms the cavemen ventured out into the daylight of the earth, so there is a time for man to venture out into a greater knowledge of his subjective reality, to explore the dimensions of selfhood and go beyond the small areas of himself in which he has thus far found shelter.Seth, The "Unknown" Reality, Volume One, Session?84用你們的話來說,正如穴居人曾冒險嘗試步入陽光普照的大地一樣,人類有朝一日也會冒險探索他主觀實相的更為廣闊的知識,探索自我的多重次元,並邁出久遠以來賴以棲身的狹小領地之外。005.In the most basic sense, the purpose of life is being - as opposed to not being. In your system of three-dimensional reality you are learning about mental energy (also called thought energy or psychic energy) and how to use it.就最基本的意義而言,生命的目的就是存在——相對於不存在。在你們三次元的實相係統中,你們正在學習精神能量(也叫作思想能量或心靈能量)以及如何加以哂謾
