Yes, It's a metaphor for seeking immortal soul!

回答: 常讀常新的人魚公主 (轉)祁祁2010-02-13 23:40:13

Yes, It's a metaphor for seeking immortal soul!

As Jung said all mystery tales are in human unconsciousness, they are archetype coding that can not be simplify interpreted

it's about mankind,longing for immortality. It's not limited by Christianity.It's about all life. like a leaf want to connected with tree, an individual life longing to connected with The life force

part1: The mermaid feel the emptiness/falseness of living, She got beautiful palace, But deep inside something was missing... She long for immortal soul, and she willing to do anything for it.

part2: Because her long is so strong, therefore she search herself in another human being,( because it is typical myth of human race too, think about it...) It's typical story of LA-love addictive. her tragedy is destiny because the immortality soul can only be find within herself.

Part3: the mermaid raised from ashes, She become a drop and connect with the ocean, She raise up from earth, She is no longer mermaid/human being, she become a goddess. She looks back to earth with compassion and send blessing to all....
