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"We're in a Lexus... our accelerator is stuck... we're in trouble... there's no brakes...we're approaching the intersection...hold on and pray... pray."





一般的駕車手冊(Driver’s Manual)裏,都有應急駕駛(Driving Emergencie)一節,對遇到轉向失控、油門卡住、製動失靈、車輛側滑、車輪脫落等危急情況,均有應對措施。下麵羅列美國一些州對遇到“油門卡住”這一狀況時的應對建議:
Stuck Gas Pedal
If your gas pedal (accelerator) sticks. . .
1. Put your car in neutral and apply the brakes to slow down.
2. Using your foot, try to free the gas pedal.
3. If the gas pedal doesn’t release, reapply the brakes.
4. Keep your eyes on the road.
5. When safe to do so, pull your vehicle to the side of the road and bring it to a stop.

New York
STUCK GAS PEDAL - Hook your toe under the pedal and see if you can free it. If not, shift into neutral and use the brake to slow your vehicle and get off the road. Do not turn off the ignition if your vehicle has power steering or a steering wheel that has a locking column because, if you do, you will lose power steering or not be able to steer at all.

Accelerator (Gas Pedal) Sticks
Quickly press your foot hard against the pedal and release. This may unstick or release it. If not:
1. Shift to neutral;
2. Apply the brakes; and
3. Pull off the highway to the right (if possible) and stop.

New Hampshire
Stuck gas pedal
If the gas pedal becomes stuck:
1. Keep your eyes on the road.
2. Quickly shift into neutral.
3. When safe to do so, pull the vehicle off the road.
4. Bring the vehicle to a stop and turn off the engine.

Jammed Gas Pedal
1. Keep your eyes on the road.
2. Tap the gas pedal with your foot.
3. Try to pry the pedal up with the toe of your shoe.
4. Shift into neutral.
5. Turn off the ignition. (Do not turn the key to lock, or your steering will lock.)
6. Use your brakes.

1. 鬆動油門(踩、摳油門踏板)
2. 切斷動力(換到空擋,熄火)
3. 減速停車(腳閘,手閘,車胎擦摩路牙)



我記得中國的駕校都會教一些類似的法門 --康七郎- 給 -康七郎 發送悄悄話 -康七郎 的博客首頁 (259 bytes) () 02/09/2010 postreply 11:45:26

此低速檔非彼低速檔,不是一回事 --康七郎- 給 -康七郎 發送悄悄話 -康七郎 的博客首頁 (340 bytes) () 02/09/2010 postreply 13:45:34

這個解釋有誤 -nisky- 給 nisky 發送悄悄話 nisky 的博客首頁 (242 bytes) () 02/09/2010 postreply 18:52:37

很好的危機手冊,豐田這次是栽了,美國的國內車業保護的感覺哦 --牧歌- 給 -牧歌 發送悄悄話 -牧歌 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 02/09/2010 postreply 11:55:16



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