貌似一篇很認真的working paper.克拉克博士要去保加利亞的美國大學任教了,還非常肯定必須講進化論,所以如臨大敵,做足功課,寫下此文。
Science is seen as having the power to unravel most, if not all, the mysteries of the universe without the need of the supernatural. Naturalism stipulates that all that exists is natural (matter and energy). One thread that runs throughout Dawkins works is his worship of science; his view that ultimately science can successfully address (almost) every problem. One thing science cannot do, however, is determine what is right and wrong, what is moral or immoral.
(這,Axiology 層麵的事本就不該歸科學管吧!當然Axiollogy也不該反過來幹預和影響科學,例如小布什時代的美國生物醫學界被不許做某些研究。。。 科學探索大詆涉及在ontology和epistemology層麵,這然後,我們的認知會推進價值體係的演化,也許。)
For Dawkins, human life has value, not because we have been created in the image of God, but because, against astronomical odds, our particular combination of DNA came to be. (!這怎麽了?有問題麽?貌似問題相當嚴重!這句後麵有許多段引文似罪狀罪證。其實,看看還是覺得老道為文精彩!)
Dawkins is operating under the assumption that there is no God (and therefore no pre-defined purpose to life). In this context, religion becomes an empty shell. What are some of the ramifications of this worldview? How does a Dawkins-type atheism impinge on other areas of life?
不過就是兩種不同謎姆競爭於用各自的extended phenotype統治世界吧,老道成了“科學”陣營的領軍人物。於是這位就開始深挖Where has this hostility come from? Why has Dawkins placed himself at the extreme edge of the atheist camp? 看看,整出點兒隱私總是好的,科學church的教父是在報私仇:
There may also be a personal element to his hostility.
On page 316 of The God Delusion, Dawkins confides that he was the victim of sexual abuse at the hands of the clergy as a child.
btw,老道明年三月12-13號來俺這裏吔! 雖然此行是講他那部新書做科普的,俺還是有機會聊聊他的舊作和理論。具體日程尚未最後排定,但是公開露麵演講之前有小型聚會,嗬嗬,俺已知俺能進去跟他聊聊The Extended Phenotype, 不是Gene,而是Meme: 所有的戰爭,革命,辯論,砸貼,都是啊 :))
三豐子,親密兄,來看一篇某生物學博士砸老道的貼 :)
你看,老外打架也挖隱私,都挖到小孩的sexual abuse了:))
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