今天剛買到一本紀念MJ的專輯。挺神。不是任何一家大媒體出版的。裏麵沒有任何那些常見的喋喋不休的tabloid junk. 隻是就事論事的講MJ的音樂和慈善事業。
裏麵Paul McCartney的評語最逗:
---I feel priviledged to have hung out and worked with Michael. He was a massively talented boy man with a gentle soul. His music will be remembered forever and my memories of our time together will be happy ones.---
真的很佩服Paul. 能說出這樣豁達公正的話來。怪不得人家是常青樹。
我真的覺得MJ當年辣手買Beatles catalog 是個敗筆。 他又不缺錢,不缺名氣。那麽aggressive的結果就是葬送了他和Paul的友誼不說,肯定還惹的一幫Beatles fan對他恨的咬牙切齒。Beatles fan 是些什麽人啊。這些人都是資深的intellectual.把這幫人惹急了。 那還能有宣傳你的好文章? 他哪怕跟Paul share 也好啊。
Paul 撫養Lennon和第一任妻子的兒子。把這樣的朋友丟了。他不孤獨誰孤獨啊?
Quincy Jones糾集當時音樂界的大腕們把MJ的歌唱天賦發揮的淋漓盡致。結果呢,後麵他和MJ也比較疏遠了。
我今天看完這部專輯還是難過遺憾。他一直說you haven't seen nothing yet. 我想他腦子裏一定有很多想法。雖然不一定是舞台表演。可惜就這麽嘎然而止了!他處的時代和他的個性都導致了他早逝。 如果他有機會完成spiritual transformation, 能夠最終grow from a boy man to a man該多好。
BUT, as fans, we are very lucky. Because there are so much left from him to be explored and appreciated.
I think, like Paul said, he is a massive talent. He played too much into the role of being a king. That's part of his downfall.
I like to think of him as Issac Newton or Azo Nobel in the show biz.
Unlike true africans from Africa, the african american in the US has a very mixed gene pool. To me, he is just American, period.
Who were his heros? Charles Chaplin & Walt Disney. Who were his idols? James Brown and Jackie Wilson.
Anyway, I am truly facinated and inspired. That is the power of a great creative genious!
• 芳芳真討厭,沒事兒找事兒。人家貝兒好不容易放下了:)) -勤快的貓- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/09/2009 postreply 21:05:38
• 一雙美麗的大眼睛,辮子粗又長~~~ -千帆舞- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/09/2009 postreply 22:21:34
• 9494~ -安貝兒- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/10/2009 postreply 02:17:04
• 額還是個massiv fan 啊。隻是現在看問題全麵點了而已。 -安貝兒- ♀ (543 bytes) () 08/10/2009 postreply 02:16:45
• 你真成了這個“城”的MJ的專家了,祝賀加謝謝! -yimei1926- ♀ (314 bytes) () 08/10/2009 postreply 06:10:10