美 國高中麵試是高中留學申請中的重要環節,是校方決定錄取與否的關鍵因素之一。因此,麵試成為赴美留學高中生們最為關注的熱點話題。美國高中麵試問題有哪 些?如何在麵試環節中脫穎而出?麵試的注意事項又有哪些呢?下麵方舟教育為大家介紹美國高中麵試官常問問題以及可反問的問題。
1、學術背景和初、高中學校(YourAcademic Background and School)
(1)告訴我一些關於你的課程,你最喜歡的初、高中課程,為什麽?哪一門課程對於你來說使最困難或最具挑戰性?(Tell me something about Your courses, what is Yourfavorite subject in high school? Why? Or what courses have been most difficultor most challenging for you?)
(2)你喜歡你的初、高中學校嗎?你是怎麽描述你的學校的?(Do you like Your high school? How wouldyou describe Your school?)
(3)你最喜歡哪一位老師,為什麽?(Who is Your favorite teacher? Why?)
(4)你取得的最大學術成就或經曆過的最大失敗是什麽?(What is Your greatest academicaccomplishment or failure?)
(1)告訴我一些你自己的生活,包括你的家庭背景和你在哪裏長大?(Tell me about Yourself, including Yourfamily background and where you grew up?)
(2)你最喜歡哪本書,最喜歡哪位作者,最欣賞哪一步電影或電視劇?為什麽?(Whatis Your favorite book, author, movie or TV? Why?)
(3)你經常閱讀哪一份雜誌和報紙?(What magazines or newspapers do you read regularly?)
(4)哪一個人對你的生活影響最大?(What person has most influenced you inYour life?)
3、關於課外活動(YourExtracurricular Activities)
(1)哪項課外活動中你做的貢獻最大?(What has been Your greatest contribution to anextracurricular activity?)
(2)你有什麽愛好和特別感興趣的事情?(Do you have any hobbies or specialinterests?)
(3)你如何描述自己的家鄉?(How would you describe Your hometown?)
4、關於高中的問題(QuestionAbout High School)
(1)哪一項標準對你選擇高中最重要?(What are Your most important criteria in looking atHigh School?)
(2)你對於我們學校最感興趣的是什麽?為什麽想來這所學校念書?(Whatis of the most interest to you about our school? Why do you want to attend thisparticular High School?)
(3)你在課餘時間都喜歡做什麽?(What do you like to do in Your free/spare time?)
(4)你對我們學校最關注的課程是什麽?(What did you like most about our school’s Academy?)
(5)你在大學裏想學的專業是什麽?(What do you think Your major will be in college?)
(6)你將來選擇的事業目標是什麽?(What are Your future career goal?)
(7)你還申請了哪所學校?(What other schools are you considering?)
(8)我們為什麽該錄取你? (Why should we accept you?)
(9)有什麽問題嗎?(What questions do you have?)
在 麵試快結束時,校方麵談者會請你提問題。如果你被邀請提問而不提問,則有可能被認為你對學校不了解,不關心,對是否被錄取可能不太在乎。而提出問題,則有 機會表現出你對學校了解的深度,以及你對自己未來受教育前景的關注程度。應該在麵試之前準備三、四個可以問的問題,請你提問時,選擇一個你認為適合當時情 況的問題提問。下麵是可以向校方提出的問題(供參考):
1、以你的觀點來看,這所學校在什麽地方區別於其他學校?什麽是學校的強項?(InYour opinion, what makes this High School unique? What are the school’s strengths?)
2、你如何描述該校的學生群體?(How would you describe the student body?)
3、在我結束麵試之前,你認為有什麽關於申請學校的主要事宜,我應該解釋的?(Are there any major issues concerning mycandidacy that you think I could usefully address before I finish myinterview?)