Does anybody know Seattle Central Community College in the US? I have a relative in Beijing, his son (high school) wants to enroll this school for his college. He wants to stay there for one or two years and then hopefully can transfer to other school.
He does not know if this colloge is good or not.
please give me suggestion.
Seattle Central Community College
• 所有的社區學院都為了服務考不上4年製大學的學生準備的,教基礎課。學生生源不好。 -用戶名被占用了- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/07/2013 postreply 16:53:02
• 回複:社區大學原是為培訓技術工人的。後演變為四年製大學的跳板(便宜)。現在不少好學生也先上社區大學,然後轉四年製大學。 -QinJin- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/10/2013 postreply 07:24:42