餓魚慾用鹽 longing, lust for, salt 鱷魚用寓言 alligator, alligory
俄語合頭韻 aliteration 教育增預算 budget allocation for education
青蛙從蟲旁 作勢能裝腔 態度冷冰冰 前方在對抗 5
報導樂觀 現實殘忍 南極寒冷 飛又不行 懷著希望 充滿自信 臉色紅潤 哦
XX 樂觀才能成功 guess an animal XX and 2 English word
PS: My book will 首次揭開詞匯之間密切相關的奧秘
二度gan3考, 揭榜數載 "We have an acute sense of our isolation which we keep hoping will end". This is a paragraph I remembered from Mao"s "The Struggle in the Chinggang Mountain".
Only by launching a struggle for promotion, which will also involve the young group, can I turn the book PR campaign into a seething tide that will surge through the country. This may take years of effort.
1.用進廢退。2.詞頻選擇 3.艾賓浩斯遺忘曲線。4.分散記憶。5.多覺記憶。6.荒誕聯想 7.聯係熟XI。8.刻意去記。
1.用。 2.詞頻/遺忘曲線。3.分散/多覺。5.荒誕/熟XI聯想. 6.刻意去記/記憶潛能 7.選早上8.7個單位。 9.簡易。
避風贏, 避險富 警惕小人誌報複 保持一些靈活性 免花大力才趕上 leeway
背光窮, 趨光輕 雙腳落地好運臨 逆風重, 順風高 勤貓風箏飛九霄