Let’s look at some historic data first:
In 2004 (Class 2009):
H: 9.2%;
Y: 9.7%;
P: 10.9%;
Penn: 21.0%;
Wharton 13.6%.
In 2005 (Class of 2010):
H: 9.3%: http://ivysuccess.com/harvard_2010.html.
Y: 8.6%: http://ivysuccess.com/yale_2010.html.
Wharton: 11.8% by my calculation as shown below.
Based on the above, applicants in 2005 were 4,038, but admitted 475 in the same year (Class of 2010):
http://ivysuccess.com/upenn_2010.html. The admission rate will be 475/4,038=11.8%. If we assume they are all corrected by adding a few from waiting list later.
In 2006 (class of 2011):
H: 9.0%;
Y was 9.6%:
Penn: 15.9%.
In 2007 (class of 2012):
H: 7.1%;
Y was 8.3%:
Penn: 16.4%.
I could not find Wharton’s.
In 2008 (class of 2013):
H: 7.1%;
Y was 7.5%:
Penn: 17.1%.
I could not find Wharton’s. But Wharton did admit 544.
In 2009 (class of 2014):
H: 6.9%;
Y was 7.5%:
Penn: 14.2%.
I could not find Wharton’s.
I could not find Wharton’s. But I could do some extrapolation:
Look at following historic data:
Year No. Applicants Admitted to Wharton
2005 20,479 475
2006 22,646
2007 22,903
2008 22,939 544
Since in 2005, 4,038 applied Wharton, we assume the number of Wharton applicants grows as the same percentage as Penn’s, then we had about 4,038*22,646/20,479=4,467 applied Wharton in 2006. Since the number of students admitted by Wharton grows slowly over the years, we assume Wharton admitted 500 in 2006. This translates to admission rate of 500/4,467=11.2%, a little lower than 11.8% in 2005. If we assume extreme case in favor of Wharton’s admission rate, say 4,750 Wharton applicants (a 17.6% increase than in 2005) and still admitted 475 (same as in 2005), the admission rate is still 475/4,750=10.0%, higher than H and Y. Assume Wharton and HY have same applicant pools though I doubt.